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Tokyo Story 1953

Ooff... I didn't think I would last through this movie. It was incredibly dragging. In the beginning it was only interesting to see a slice of life from early 50s Japan, which wouldn't have been enough to keep me interested for more than 2 hours.
Ever so often there were interesting moments showing the little struggles everyone has to bear and the premise of growing old and estranged from your children while being helplessly bothered on the other side is a really interesting one. There were even many sweet elements there. But in the end the most interesting thing is the actors constantly talking into the camera. A very unique and innovative element for the time.

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This is so incredibly boring and although that might make sense (because normal everyday life is boring most of the time) it just doesn’t make a very enjoyable movie. Sure, it’s sad and whatnot, but this has nothing really memorable in it. The most memorable thing might be the boringness of it all.

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A perfect movie! Really touch me

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This one hit me hard–the first classic Japanese movie to really connect with me emotionally. And even this was touch and go at points, largely due to my difficulty in reading the Japanese style of acting. I was able to parse more nuance than usual, I think, and when those subtle bits of characterization hit for me, they were impactful.

What I loved most about this movie was how desperately sad it was, and how accepting it was of that sadness. While there was a critique being made about the destruction of the modern, I also appreciated the film’s appreciation for the beauty to be found in the passage of time and custom. This movie will haunt me for a while.

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An emotionally touching film, with amazing cinematography, great performances and a poignant story about the importance of cherishing every single moment of life.

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The original title of the film is Tôkyô Monogatari.

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The movie is from 1953

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The movie is from 1953

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one of the greatest movies ever made

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should have called this tokyo snooze

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