Shouts about...

Trainspotting 1996

Tomb opened and laid. Again friendship versus money.

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I would give it a 4 if not for the ending. This movie tries to hijack the idea of the "everyday life of ...", only this time, it's the everyday life of a bunch of heroin junkies, and that's depressing af, not entertaining. It's more like a documentary that a feature film.

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Honestly, not my kind of movie. It has some impressive shots, but I don’t like the story and some of the scenes. I get that’s the point, but it’s not for me.

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Shout by Glen Walters
BlockedParent2024-02-28T00:09:42Z— updated 2024-04-09T23:46:04Z

Definitive 2 disc edition 2003

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Shows the dangers of what addiction can result in for people. That toilet scene was the most disgusting thing ever also.

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“Choose a life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers... Choose DSY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away in the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself, choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?”

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ewan macgregor in a crop top saved cinema just saying

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It's like a cross of a Guy Ritchie movie (say Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), New Kids Turbo and a darker version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I can barely watch some of the more disgusting or depressing scenes. This stops me from enjoying this movie. I'm not entertained. I'm not sure what you can learn from it other than the obvious. There's barely a coherent plot. Some say that's a "dark comedy" but I didn't laugh a lot. At times, I had to force myself continuing watching. Still, more interesting than most polished Hollywood productions. Highlight: Scottish English and 90s techno.

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A great criticism to the addiction to drugs and the subtle bad influences of friendships in life, Trainspotting brings an important message to the youth, with a heavy vibe, a frenetic edition, great movements of camera and a hint of acid humor.
I had a kind of fear of this movie be as sad and gore than Requiem for a Dream, but no... I confess that I liked more this one.

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Shout by Ro

What a epic movie.
Great visionary

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I liked it...

But that doesn't give it the right to be a mind numbing slog.

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Take the best orgasm you’ve ever had, multiply it by a thousand, and it’s still nowhere near it!

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I had never seen this before today, I know thats bad. But fuck I'm happy that I watched it. One of my favourite movies. Now I'm gonna watch T2. And Ewan McGregor was already brilliant in his younger years. Damn good actor that man.

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“Trainspotting” probably had its merits back then but kind of faded together with its generation. More than a film about drug addiction, it’s about another evergreen of modern cinema: the lost youngsters who are unable to blend in with a society they refuse. The themes are treated quite decently here, as cynicism and irony are chosen over sentimentalism and empty moral statements. There is nothing particularly original, intelligent or controversial, but I have to say that, a couple of lapses in taste and poop jokes aside, it’s still a mildly fun black comedy with memorable characters and some cool trippy scenes.

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What did I just watch! It is a brutal film about drug abuse. Ewan McGregor gives an outstanding performance with that Scottish lost man. Nevertheless I couldn't stop thinking of Requiem for a dream which I find more brutal, more depressing, better acted and with an extremely better music. I watched this because it appeared rated as one of the best 10 British films ever. I found it good but I prefer Darren's portrait of despair.

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I love Ewan McGregor but not this shit movie

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Shout by Samuel Lopera

good movie but it made me want to take a very cold shower

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It's amazing to think this was vilified for glamorizing drug use at the time of its release, because it's as stirring an anti-drug sentiment as I've ever seen. Ewan McGregor nails his breakout role as the weak-willed heroin-addicted poster boy Mark Renton, who constantly surrounds himself with a gaggle of the worst friends money can buy. It's a thousand different emotions all rolled into one concise package, with a dozen scenes that had me laughing out loud, an equal number of gut punches, a few manic spurts of action, a load of excellent off-the-cuff conversations and one giant, trainwrecked final score.

A nonstop, chaotic adventure with a well-rounded cast of characters and a knack for extreme moods, it's occasionally tough to discern the dialog thanks to the abundance of thick Scottish accents. Several outstanding selections on the soundtrack unify the scattered emotions very nicely.

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Rewatched this in preparation for T2 being released this week. Still as great as the first 5 viewings back in the day. If you've never seen it ... go and go now!

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A very good movie with solid perfomances and great dialogues..Directing was unique and i liked the way Boyle looked at the whole thing 7.8/10.

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Still a great film, and just gets better every time....danny boyle.... great work... Top films list it will go... XD

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The acting is phenomenal, the music is terrific, the film is a pitch-perfect example of energizing editing and brilliant use of montage, and its script is one of the best ever written, alternately hilarious, horrifying, tragic, and benefiting from a rare level of depth and resonance. A British classic is what Trainspotting is recognized as, and a British classic is what it is.

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Shout by Gonçalo Fernandes

Fantastic perfomance by Ewan McGregor!

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Shout by Deleted

Don't do drugs kids! Great movie!

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Excellent film! Great soundtrack. Go watch it!

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A very good film adaptation of an even better novel! Please read the novel by Irvine Welsh, it's better than the film!

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"It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the f*cking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete arseholes. It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any f*cking difference!"

FANTASTIC MOVIE! Choose Trainspotting!!

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