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Trigger Warning 2024

Wow what a terrible title.

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dull as dishwater.

netflix sure has a way of churning them out - at least they're throwing "starlets" of yesteryear a bone.

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Trigger Warning: Don't watch if bad movies make you angry!

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What is wrong with this statement:

"A skilled Special Forces commando" (film synopsis)

Starring Jessica Alba.

There is no universe that Jessica Alba is a special forces commando. Haven't we had enough of the unrealistic 90 pound woman being the baddest of bad asses and taking down guys that are 225 pounds of muscle?

The title is apt - between that and the synopsis and the star, I'm triggered a bit.

Another dumpster fire from Netflix. When you see that big N on the screen followed by the thunking sound clip, you can pretty much know right then and there that it's going to suck - be it a movie, a show or a "documentary".

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Trigger Warning (2024) - :heart:x5

This is a very average revenge movie. There's nothing special about it. The only reason to watch this is for Jessica Alba.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Below average.Derivative generic mediocrity.Poorly choreographed fight scenes.

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A good movie with lots of action. He took his revenge. From the very beginning, in the bar scene, I began to understand that there was something abnormal about this man. If you have watched too many movies like this, you can at least guess what will happen in the movie. I like it.:thumbsup:

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Let's see:
- bad dialogues, I believe it's written using AI
- stereotypical B-movie story of revenge
- bad acting, Alba was terrible through and through
- bad director
- "white men = bad" message
- "lady boss" message
- "white men = greedy" message
- "conservatives = evil" message

Watching this is an insult and assault to my btain.


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Jessica Alba got old man. Her face looks like that of a tired old woman in most scenes. The drop-dead-gorgeous kid from the TV Show Dark Angel got old. I don't know why I'm feeling sad. I kind of hoped she'd age like J-Lo. :sob:

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It does the bare minimum for an action thriller. Painfully cliche and predictable but was somehow still boring and uninteresting.

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Painfully low budget crap.

No idea if Alba needed the payday or something but yeah, I wouldn't waste your time with this unless you've watched pretty much everything else.

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Wow! That was amazing!...said no one ever.
I really think they should let ChatGPT write movie scripts from now on, because accidents like this wouldn't happen with AI.
I think from now on it only can get better. This has to be the bottom, right? Right?!

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Fifteen minutes was enough for me

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Dear Jessica,

You are worth $ 100+ million, you run a successful business. Why on God's green beautiful earth would you do such a crappy movie? Wow! Why Jessica why?

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Revenge film which I enjoyed. It won't be winning any awards.

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Way overstuffed plot. Good action choreography. Distracting CGI. Alba delivers a very believable capable badass performance. There are a few other fun characters too.

I would really like to see Alba as the lead in a better written action movie.

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Yes, terrible title, now that we got that out of the way , I was entertained. While this movie is just another "go home to fix corruption" flick, Alba is always great, and I was entertained enough to continue watching

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The cybertruck of action movies: shiny, clunky, and doesn't go anywhere.

Trigger Warning is aptly named for those of you triggered by run-of-the-mill, predictable action flicks where the most interesting aspect is three guy characters who look exactly the same and can't be told apart.

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Title says it! After Gal Gadot, J.Lo... now it's Jessica Alba who gets her own crap Netflix original, gotta pay those bills. There's a few slightly entertaining action sequences in here and Alba is an ok lead actress for this type of movie but it's all so uninspired, forgettable and generic. Dumb story, gets too quiet in some parts for an action movie, nothing visually stimulating, generic score, too long, and most of all boring.

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Apt title. I'm triggered by how TERRIBLE this was.

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It's an okay, revenge type movie. Most of the action takes place in the last 30 minutes. It's average.

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