Shouts about...

True Story 2015

Pretty rubbish movie sadly, read the wiki for the summary of the movie and the murder and save yourself 110 minutes

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What I saw here is Jonah really trying his best but everything and everyone around him kept failing him.

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I wasn't expecting at all those last things Mike said to Chris. Like... why the sudden change of character? What made him suddenly think that way? Did he think that all along? Hell, I couldn't even figure out whether he really was a piece of shit journalist or just misunderstood. More importantly, DID CHRIS FUCKING KILL THEM OR NOT?

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This movie is already hard to take serious because Jonah Hill is making a serious character but to my surprise the 1st act is quite solid. It's a shame that once you enter the 2nd act the movie just stumbles on himself and the 3rd act is completely non-sense.

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The film isn't as compelling as I had hoped but its worth watching for a rare and fine dramatic performance from Jonah Hill.

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I thought the previews was the best parts of this movie, very disappointed, thought this was going to be better:(

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Shout by Jorge

Man, what should I tell you? Despite what other people argue here I really doubted this man was guilty of anything. Sometimes it felt uncomfortable the exchange the two main characters had through the movie, I was almost sure one of them will jump and attack the other.

I'm really pleased with this movie, and was cool to see Jonah Hill in other thing than doing comedies, the guy isn't Channing Tatum but is one of those Hollywood top-payed actors, how about that, ha!

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baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

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Shout by Deleted

how do u start watching the movie

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Shout by Deleted

I was a little disappointed with this movie, I love the dynamic duo and Felicity Jones, but I was waiting for something more, like a real dilemma about the crime, if he did it or not, but it isn't like that.

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This is a film that should work - the story itself has a horrible crime at its core that should stir some emotion in a viewer, the performances in the film are all good and there is an interesting dynamic to explore. Yet, despite these elements, there is a strong feeling of detachment to the characters that prevents one from ever really engaging with the story. It is difficult to connect with the central protagonist at all, despite a good performance from Hill, as the film offers very little insight into his character. Furthermore, even without any knowledge of the crime itself, the central mystery of whether Franco's character is guilty or not is never really in doubt to a viewer. Strangely uninvolving

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I was pretty hyped to see the duo on a more 'serious' movie, and I wasn't disappointed. They both have above decent performances and prove they're not just your funny guys. The movie itself feels a little bit forced at times and I don't really liked how it developed and ended, but since it's based on a true story there isn't really someone to blame. Overall it's an interesting movie to watch, especially if you're a fan of James Franco and Jonah Hill.

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I was pretty hyped to see the duo on a more 'serious' movie, and I wasn't disappointed. They both have above decent performances and prove they're not just your funny guys. The movie itself feels a little bit forced at times and I don't really liked how it developed and ended, but since it's based on a true story there isn't really someone to blame. Overall it's an interesting movie to watch, especially if you're a fan of James Franco and Jonah Hill.

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