Personal Lists featuring...

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me 1992


My ranking of David Lynch movies.


Feature films directed by David Lynch.

Additionally, the one-minute short film "Premonitions Following an Evil Deed" from "Lumière and Company" (1995) has been included in this list due to its esteemed status as essential viewing for aficionados of Lynch's work. Furthermore, I've taken the liberty of adding "The Short Films of David Lynch" (2002) DVD collection for those who yearn to delve deeper into his repertoire, although these primarily encompass his student, comissioned work and experimental web shorts.

David Lynch is also well-known for his iconic television series, "Twin Peaks."

Given the infrequent commercial success of the distinctive films Lynch crafts and the idiosyncrasies of box office dynamics, Lynch has openly declared his decision not to pursue any future theatrical feature films.


David Keith Lynch is an American filmmaker, painter, musician, actor, and photographer. He has been described by The Guardian as "the most important director of this era", while AllMovie called him "the Renaissance man of modern American filmmaking". His films Blue Velvet (1986) and Mulholland Drive (2001) are widely regarded by critics to be among the greatest films of their respective decades, while the success of his 1990–91 television series Twin Peaks led to his being labeled "the first popular Surrealist" by film critic Pauline Kael. He has received three Academy Award nominations for Best Director, and has won France's César Award for Best Foreign Film twice, as well as the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and a Golden Lion award for lifetime achievement at the Venice Film Festival. In 2016, Mulholland Drive, was named the top film of the 21st century by the BBC following a poll of 177 film critics from 36 countries.


David Lynch directed Feature Films


*Winner - Bram Stoker's Dracula
Which one do you think deserved it?


Dans trois semaines, le PIFFF reviendra traumatiser les rétines et secouer pour la toute première fois le cinéma Max Linder. En attendant les chocs, voici quelques révélations chics à haute teneur en culte pour palier l'attente qui vous consume.

Déjà, une nuit : belle et longue, elle sera dédiée aux zombies, avec des morceaux de choix, dont le Zombie de George Romero en version fraichement restaurée et projetée dans son montage européen made in Dario Argento. Rendez-vous donc le 10 décembre pour goûter aux plaisirs de la chair par une nuit d'hiver forcément trop froide pour rester dehors...

D'autres classiques imputrescibles viendront animer nos séances. le terrifiant Prince des ténèbres de Big John Carpenter ; le science-fictionnel et hargneux Hardware du magicien Richard Stanley (projeté en sa présence) ; l'hyper baroque Opéra de Dario Argento (projeté en sa présence) inédit en salles et proposé ici en version intégrale restaurée (en partenariat avec Le Chat qui fume) ; Fire Walk with Me de David Lynch, présenté en copie restaurée et suivi du documentaire David Lynch : The Art Life ; La Fiancée de Frankenstein de James Whale, peut-être l'une des meilleures suites jamais réalisées dans l'Histoire du cinéma et montrée ici dans une superbe restauration et... plein d'autres très belles choses que l'on vous dévoilera dans les jours à venir.

Restez connectés, nous ne sommes pas loin.


David Keith Lynch (Missoula, 20 gennaio 1946) è un regista, sceneggiatore, produttore cinematografico, pittore, musicista, compositore, attore, montatore, scenografo e scrittore statunitense.
