Shouts about...

Unhinged 2020

Very tense, extremely violent and with gripping scenes. The story is great and straightforward, but there are some unrealistic situations for it to develop, but that doesn't change the experience of how this movie holds your attention, you can't leave the screen for a minute. The performances are great and are fundamental to the movie being so good.

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This movie is exactly why my horn doesn't work when I drive in the U.S. People can do whatever they want, but I will never use my horn.

It's a good movie that might be a little too close to reality. Yes, she makes stupid decisions, but that's part of a movie - nothing is perfect because you wouldn't have a story would you? Russell Crowe does his usual solid acting - perfect for the part. Could use dropping a few kilos though. Solid 9/10

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So there is this dutch movie with basically the same story which was haunting, when I heard about this one I had to watch firstly to see if it resembled or even copied the other one. It didn't. This one is like an upgraded version of the dutch movie 'Bumperkleef' I've watched. Russel Crowe, first of all, terrific job. He honestly comes across as this psychopath and I'd be super scared if I ran into him like that.
The story begins right of the bat, showing us just how cruel this man is and what he is capable of. Nice pacing, the main character actually makes some decent, fairly smart moves... I mean if you compare it to other thriller/horror movies in which the victim does the worst possible things that always backfire, this lady knew how to play the game.
A chilling movie, not the best but certainly not the worst.

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This is basically a more violent version of Falling Down but with Russell Crowe instead of Michael Douglas. Which is to say it’s awesome. I didn’t read the plot summary and wasn’t expecting what it was about, but I thought it was great.

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one of the craziest movies I've ever seen. Russell Crowe is a monster.

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But why hasn't she called the freaking police yet with this flip phone???? This is really working on my anxiety.

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Russell’s put some weight on and definitely fits the role and does a decent job being a crazy road rage man that’s got nothing to lose all because he lost his job and all it takes to trigger him is not saying sorry, so always apologie because you’ll never know you might get chased by a nutter that’s out to kill you..

I really enjoyed that, plenty of decent action all the way through and very tense at times with a sound cast specially good role from Russell..

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The kind of film that will make you think twice before beeping your horn at somebody. This is a crazy hell ride of a movie, and sadly, quite believable. Crowe is suitably unhinged, and his chilling menace makes the film worthwhile.

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The last 15 minutes are rushed and spoil the integrity of the entire movie, especially that unecessary ‘courtesy tap’ quote at the movies final scene. Good not great.

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Jolly fat guy with a beard reminds us of using our best manners during the holidays in this exciting Christmas special

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It’s not a great movie but lots of tense moments to keep you interested

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I never knew why I have never used the honk in my car. Now I do. My brain knows better.

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Started out good, but went typical Hollywood BS ending.

Could have been so much more. Needed to develop and reveal the “man” character more. Overall enjoyable, good but not great.

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I went into this movie completely blind and I think due to that I was able to enjoy it more. As I didn’t know the plot I was able to be surprised and ultimately following along with just how worse things could get. There are flaws to the movie that could be pointed out, however the story is enjoyable enough to be able to look past that.

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This was definitely a fun “B” movie. It has its sleazy moments, but if you just want and easy to watch fun movie that will take you on a ride, than this is one worth watching.

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A very high intensity film about a woman and her son who feel the wrath of a man who they got into a roadrage with. Edge of your seat daunting thriller while the 2 are chased down by the man who doesn’t care about dying or getting caught; just wants to leave the world as a menace.

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Good psychological thriller with violent scenes and a deeply evil Russel Crowe who plays his role so grandiose that it is really scary. (I'll never honk at anyone again)

The only thing that bothered me about the film are the logic errors that occur too often. (Russel "the little fat one" Crowe with a good 120 kilos is out of a collided overturned vehicle faster than The Flash)

With that hidden, the film is definitely worth it for a good evening at the cinema.

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We cant have Fast and Furious this year would you like to have Slow and Furious? Fun to watch during quarantine days.

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not great but definitely good, probably since it's fairly well acted. joy ride traumatized me as a kid so nothing road related will ever measure up and that's certainly no fault of russell crowe.

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Ending is limp but the rest of it was highly enjoyable. Some tremendously unnecessary violence.

Well worth a watch.


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this movie really is realistic and boy is Russell awesome playing a very angry unhinged madman like it was insanity in a good way im just glad that she was able to kick his butt big time cause he needed to be stopped for real this was on another level but good

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Do not honk. This may get some people crazy.

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Really enjoyed it. Thought Crowe was brutal and really did look psychotic. Entertaining but would’ve liked a better backstory to why he reacted that way.

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My favorite part of the movie is the diner scene. I love how 40-50 innocent bystanders watch a man be murdered and do nothing about it. Even when they realize this dude is a total psycho, they continue to sit there in the diner instead of running away. Was one of the most outlandish scenes I've seen in a film lol

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Film has no point at all...

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There is nothing special to see here. We've seen this kind of movie before, extreme, insane road rage.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I was tense the entire time. The brutality was not something I expected. Many :man_facepalming: moments but it kept me on the edge of my seat. Russell Crowe was pretty fantastic.

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Actually an entertaining film and not too disturbing. The fact that the violence was cartoonish and they really didn’t explain the man’s reasons for acting crazy, and the fact that most people helped, just relates to my summary that most people in this world are nice.

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Wasn't as good as I expected. Too predictable. Overall not bad...

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Unhinged offers a gripping premise that is undeniably rooted in today's world, but it takes a leap into the realm of the unreal when it comes to the plot. It taps into the anxieties many of us face on the road daily, where road rage incidents can escalate quickly due to the stress of modern life. Russell Crowe's character embodies this terrifying potential, showcasing how one person's bad day can spiral into a nightmare. However, where Unhinged stumbles a bit is in the plot's execution. It veers into territory that may strain the boundaries of believability. If you can suspend disbelief for the sake of entertainment, it's worth a watch for its suspenseful moments and Crowe's compelling performance.

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The movie was over the top. Crazy drivers are for real though. I didn't mind the over the top, I enjoyed "evil" and fatty Crow, but what was that ending? Come on! Why spoil it. Budget cuts?

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He's a psycho and she's a mess.

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Lots of inconsistency. The best thing about the movie: her final sentence.

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Russell Crowe is a mix of a day of rage + the devil on wheels. It is entertaining, it does not stop, there are coincidences due to the power of the script, but to pass the time it is worth it. you will not beep anyone with the horn again, that's for sure

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So...we got a fat Russel Crow with anger management issues and an impatient, recently divorced, soccer mom. And they don't get along...

So...Is this a documentary?!?

Anyway...Unhinged is decent enough. I'm not sure Russel Crow is actually acting though, but as for everyone else...good enough. The story is a bit too drawn out, and because of that the movie seems a bit too long, but it never really gets boring, I said...drawn out. As if they just needed to hit that one hour and thirty minutes mark.

Anyway...if you got nothing better to do than to watch Russel Crow...just begin himself I guess...this is for you.

In all seriousness, don't go out of your way to find Unhinged, but if you can catch it on your preferred streaming platform it's an ok waste of time.

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Good non-stop suspence thriller about "Road Rages" and sends a message to those arrogant drivers on the road. Russell Crowe is awesome in any role given to him. 6/10

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They even put the mini van upside down on the tow truck at the end. Perfect summary of this movie...

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Good acting, but lot of things just don't make sense, especially the car state after many crashes, etc.

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felt like a very long drive safe ad.

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Huge disappointment. Great atmosphere, but some idiot had to write the script for Rachel. My rating 5/10 (and that's a lot)

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Very cheap script. Many things don’t make sense. Can’t give more than 5.

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The premise is simple, a lunatic on the loose, behind the wheel, chasing a woman who, apparently, cannot act as if she was cast into the role she's supposed to be playing.

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Russell Crowe was solid acting as a lunatic. The movie was an OK watch. I just couldn't get over the fact that Rachel's character was so dumb. There are way to many unbelievable circumstances that take away a lot of the tension for me.

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Russel Crowe got fat. Definitely no Gladiator here.

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Like 5-hour energy shots where hours are minutes because there are violent bursts of adrenalin that last 5 minutes separated by long stretches of WTF.

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Logical flaws dont make sense in a movie set in the real world. Not worth watching.

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Aren’t they meant to make us like the main character enough to care about what happens to them first? 4/10

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One of the stupidest scripts i have ever seen.

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If your movie and premise are dumb, always be sure to own up to it.
Don’t make it all dark, desaturated and grungy for the sake of it.
This movie becomes unintentionally comedic because it thinks its Duel.

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Shout by Nailatem

And uncle Fred is alive. Probably burned and blame himself by his girlfriend's death. Uncle Fred is alive, that's what matters.

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Crowe's worst movie by far. The film doesn't make any sense and has no point. Everything just happens solely for the sake of the next scene and the accidents on the road kinda look like from a Final Destination sequel. For a movie set in the "real world" it's jut dumb af.

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I can't remember last time I saw a heroine act this stupid in a movie. Her choices just made me angry... So I can understand why Russell Crowe was so angry throughout the whole movie. Don't bother with this one, watch "Falling Down" again instead.

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The whole story just started dumb any got dumber as it went. First, the kid rolls down the window after his mother just went adding the guy? The aguy who just brutally murdered is Goin to want to talk all nicey nice? He's cutting off all kinds of people any no one called the cops? The final straw was the woman goes to the gas station, has her purse on her shoulder, leaves the wallet on top of the car? BS. Leaves 5th car unlocked with her phone in it, when she knew she was going into the store or why else grab her purse. Just stupid. Turned this crap off. 30 minutes of my evening wasted.

There's a certain type that's going to enjoy this movie, and I should've went with my gut it wasn't fit any of the rest Chad's. If you aren't a Karen or Chad, take it off your list.

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This movie self-screens for the type of person who is going to watch it. The first scene shows a man burning down someone's house with no explanation why. Then later we see the man get upset because someone honked a horn at him in traffic.

We are forced to draw the conclusion that this whole movie is the explanations of that first scene. I'm a rational person person so I turned the movie off very quickly.

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Wost movie of the year, I want my hour back...

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Felt like a PSA for road rage. I guess from now on I'm just going to use the courtesy tap.

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