Shouts about...

Up in the Air 2009

This is the key phrase of the movie - "If you think about it, your favorite memories, the most important moments in your life... were you alone?"

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Notable for being the movie where I first fell head-over-heels for Anna Kendrick, who is delightful here. Clooney is cast perfectly, and I admire what this movie has to say about vulnerability and meaningful relationships. I think I tend to overrate movies that can make me laugh and cry in equal measure, but I’m leaving it at this spot on the list.

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loved it and loved the cast

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Great movie. Good cast that had a lot of chemistry together. Surprising amount of well known people who have cameos. I love young and aspiring Anna Kendrick, before she started singing.

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An eye-opening story about life and its facets, what it means to be happy and what to be without purpose, a story about how at times, we're so sure of holding life in our hand, only to discover there was nothing in there to begin with; in short, how meaningless can life be when we convince ourselves of not being fragile human creatures.

We can remain up in the air all of our lives, and it can be beautiful to look at the clouds, to watch down and feel greater than all those people down there -but we can fall any moment. And when we fall, if we don't have somebody to catch us, -or rather, a co-pilot to save us- maybe we will have wasted our lives only in the air, never really having our feet on the ground.

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Good chemistry between the leads in this film made it a good watch. Not as predictable as it may seem from the plot and enough to keep you watching. Quite enjoyable.

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Not what I was expecting before I started watching, but quickly became very predictable.

This is one of the most depressing films I've ever seen. It was no fun, and there are no likeable characters.

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This is definitely a different role for Vera Farmiga, but I’ve always enjoyed this one.

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When was the last time you asked yourself, “What in life is most valuable to me?” This film takes a little road trip down that avenue in the company of very beautiful and talented people. Nominated for 6 Oscars in 2009 it is not preachy, nor does it even proffer an answer to that musing, it just stimulates the question. This is an unusual romance with interesting story telling and great performances. I give this film a 7 (good) out of 10. [Romance, Drama]

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image 3.75 / 5 and sound 3.75 / 5 I have come back to like it a lot, The actors shine a lot

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This was a very enjoyable film, speaking very much to today's mood and spirit and easy to watch.

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Shout by Deleted

Love how it ended. An amazing movie.

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Good movie about how to be free in the modern corporate world. Tells an awesome story about not conforming to what you think others are expecting of you and just be happy. Love it.

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Jason Reitman takes a relatively grounded, simple story about relatively normal people and makes it a compelling and engrossing viewing.

Cleverly written, dialogues are superb and on-screen chemistry between George Clooney (he is MAGNETIC) and Vera Farmiga is top notch. Anna Kendrick annoying but cute, Sam Elliot does what he does best and the supporting cast works brilliantly too.

Just a clever, sad and hopeful little story, that took me by surprise.

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The one thing I had heard about it was that it is 2 hours of product placements. This is true like no other movie that I have ever watched. They had whole conversations about products. Worse, they took it to a new level by throwing the competitors under the bus. Anyway, the first half of the movie was rather uneventful. I always do enjoy George Clooney and Vera Farmiga was fantastic but the story was rather bland. However, the story really picked up in the second half and the ending was actually excellent. I still can't fathom how Anna Kendrick got Oscar attention for playing miserable/whiney girl. She had two memorable lines in the whole movie.

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