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Violation 2020

Like a drama dairy queen, this movie takes a simple (yet tragic) tale and milks it for all it's worth.

The director / lead actress take a rape and revenge story and struggle to gussy it up with a time line more disjointed than a circus freak. To complete the film, just add artistic special effects that come across as pretentious and long takes that make the film feel dragged out.

The stark realism of the characters' reactions was unusually authentic, but the rest of the film is artsy fartsy drama that's more fartsy than artsy.

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The film is an endurance test, not only because of the scenes of brutaility but because of the long takes of characters talking and emoting. It's still a well made film but it can hardly be classed as entertainment.

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I still feel uneasy after watching this. It's brutal, intense, and disturbing. This film really gets under my skin and like drains me. Interesting take on rape revenge film. What makes it really special is that it feels very raw and realistic. It paints how rape victim deals with trauma, the feeling of sorrow and anger. It's just beautifully crafted with beautiful location set, breathtaking visuals, the depth of the characters, and the quiet brutality. Really powerful but not for everyone.

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[Sitges FF] The most tense and disgusting scene isn't the most explicit, but the one that shows a sexual assault without showing it. The non-linear structure simulates the springs of memory, sometimes incomplete, but also reinforces the ambiguity, the possibility of being predated and predatory. These transgressions, like the vulnerable male nudity, are the most interesting elements in a film that handles gray areas.

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