Personal Lists featuring...

We All Loved Each Other So Much 1974


The They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 greatest films list is primarily compiled by using over 6000 individual critics' and filmmakers' best-films-of-all-time lists/ballots. The resulting list is very diverse and spans virtually all movie-producing decades and countries.



A price is given to the best picture of the festival. It has had different names trough the years; Grand Prix (1959-1967), Golden Prize (1969-1987), Golden St. George (1989-2003) and Golden George (since 2004).


List created and maintained by


They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (TSPDT) is a modest but growing film resource dedicated to the art of motion picture filmmaking and most specifically to that one particular individual calling the shots from behind the camera - the film director.

This list is based on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films, a list compilated by Bill Georgaris using thousands of best-of/all-time lists.


250 films from throughout Italy's history, 1905-2011. From the book by Roy Menarini.

Missing: I miserabili (1964)



Greatest Italian films according to 109 critics/scholars and 50 filmmakers.

Note - this entry is just for one segment of an anthology film:
Ro.Go.Pa.G = La ricotta (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1963)


Todo el mejor cine de la historia


Liste des films présents dans le livre et le site Movieland


They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (TSPDT) is a modest but growing film resource dedicated to the art of motion picture filmmaking and most specifically to that one particular individual calling the shots from behind the camera - the film director.

This list is based on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films, a list compilated by Bill Georgaris using thousands of best-of/all-time lists.


Italian cinema has proved very popular with international audiences, and yet a surprising unfamiliarity remains regarding the rich traditions from which its most fascinating moments arose. Directory of World Cinema: Italy aims to offer a wide film and cultural study in which to situate some of Italian cinema’s key aspects, from political radicalism to opera, and from the arthouse to popular genres. Essays by leading academics about prominent genres, directors and themes provide insight into the cinema of Italy and are bolstered by reviews of significant titles. From silent spectacle to the giallo, the spaghetti western to the neorealist masterworks of Rossellini, this book offers a comprehensive historical sweep of Italian cinema that will appeal to film scholars and cinephiles alike

List import based on the book. Thematic chapters:

  • Silent Cinema
  • Neorealism
  • Melodrama
  • Comedy
  • Giallo
  • Gothic Horror
  • Peplum
  • Spaghetti Western
  • Political Cinema
  • Contemporary Cinema

More information on this is also aviable on!


The list of the 100 Italian films to be saved was created with the aim to report "100 films that have changed the collective memory of the country between 1942 and 1978".


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.


TV Shows&Movies; that have a place in my ♥
Also, these may have some weight on my personality.


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.
