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We Have a Ghost 2023

What a beautiful movie :sob: Imagine having a ghost best friend, though, that would be so cool!

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Sweet little movie, I don’t know why some individuals always expect deep plots. This was heartwarming, had its fun moments and was therefor enjoyable. If you aren’t someone who has to shittalk everything and searches for every single negative aspect of a movie to deliberately rate it badly, give it a shot. It’s well-spent 2 hours.

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Fun entertaining movie. Harbours performace is awesome.

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Fun enjoyable watch. Could have been better but why make a big deal about it

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This was a fun little movie. It's nothing special, just a bit of heartwarming fun. It almost feels like a Disney movie - but it is not.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The cutest ghost in the history of ghosts in movies. Not even Caspar was this cute.

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It's a family movie. It's sweet and light.

I just think the bad guys are very unnecessary, although I understand they're just a pretext to the story. I would have preferred just following the investigation of the two teenagers.

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It was okay for a lite movie to kill some time.

(The character of the father was so bad scripted though)

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This is obviously a cheesy movie, but that’s what they were going for. The acting is solid. Jim Hopper is a pure delight, and made the film much more heartwarming than I was expecting. If you’re looking for a “family friendly” ghost movie, this one is perfect.

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It's a nice, sweet movie, but come on... Can't 3 men take on a 70 year old???

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Enjoyable enough but way too long!!

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It was an okay movie, but I hated how the youngest was treated by his father and brother, mostly in the beginning. His mom called it, doesn't listen to a word his kid says. Also, why is the old dude strong enough to take on the entire family?

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Nice movie, some plotholes, but a good film to watch.The Frighteners vibe.

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nice movie. worth watching. not boring it has funny elements, story everything...

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We Have A Ghost is pretty good but its not as funny as it could have been. There are the occasional comical moments - such as the scene involving fake medium Judy Romano - but its never laugh out loud hilarious. The cast is good though and they manage to engage, even when the script lets them down a little.

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Another force fed movie from Netflix. Their "Top 10" list is merely a way to push their movies or movies they didn't significant cash to retain. No actual metrics.

The plot is amateur, the execution is even worse. Makes for a boring movie. And a waste of time to watch.

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I barley made it though the first hour before I fell asleep nothing special with an obnoxious kid as it’s lead

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Ghost movies: There's one dead every minute.

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It was entirely too long. Too. Too. Long.

Great cast. Okay story. The funniest parts are in the trailer.

But man. It’s so beyond long.

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Damn, this shit is all over the place. Only funny part was the homosexual joke.

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Pointless Unentertaining movie, couldn't end soon enough

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Well that sucked. Went into this moving expecting it to be a comedy, laughed one time and that was when Ernest first appeared.

The movie has so much potential. If they made this into a full on comedy it could have been one of the best, but it sucked big time. Didn’t like that the movie became a drama about how he died.

Could have been a lot funnier with Kevin Hart instead of Antony Mackie and Awkwafina instead of Isabella Russo.

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The combination of "Ghost Dad" and "Ghostbusters" hardly worked out. The unexplained numbness of the adolescent main character only adds to the bad reception.

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Importsnt logical flaws in the movie paired withproduct placememt of tiktok makes it a bad movie.

Big fat: No

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Terrible. Some scenes gave me hope it would get better, but that died out very quickly. Some characters became very annoying, and all together, not one thing about this was realistic, not even the family. Oh yeah, the most random cast stuffed together. It just makes it seem more fake.

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A decent movie ruined by identity politics, atrocious writing and pacing of the movie.

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I stopped watching when the mother calls stupid to white families. Wtf? Racism from blacks? Not worth the time.

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The biggest frickin' attic I've ever frickin' seen.

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Brilliant Saturday night movie. Has a bit of everything for everyone. Comedy “horror”, Drama, Action, Adventure. Solid 8/10

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And once again racism against white people and no one notices... How often do we have to put up with something like that before jmd says something

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Watched this for David Harbour was an okay movie. Not the best piece of entertainment ever made. Had some funny moments and the ending had good closure.

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Interesting semi enjoyable movie - made worse by the obvious political undertones and off handed comments that are essentially obligitory and to be expected in pretty much anything created today. The cracks about politicans that the authors dislike and want to smear in public opinion are distasteful and ruin the enjoyment of what's supposed to be entertainment.

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Excellent move. Enjoy watching it tremendously. It will give your emotions a nice roller coaster ride.

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Proof that David Harbour would be perfect in a live action Dick’s Last Resort film

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Dr. Leslie's character is so senseless. Flipping minds like burgers.

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