
This movie had one good moment in it and that was it. Everything before it was flat line and everything after it was flat line. A slog of a movie to get through.

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This is one slow ass, wierd film. Im still clueless as to what exactly was really happening. Just strange. Not impressed. Horror? no just horrible.

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This is one slow ass, wierd film. Im still clueless as to what exactly was really happening. Just strange. Not impressed.

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I didn't have high expectations, and actually this turned out to be an ok movie. I think it wasn't too bad, yet not very good either, but at least it managed to keep me interested pretty well.

There's not much action, the plot is silly and has its flaws, but Pat Healy's performance and a couple effective (yet a bit disturbing) scenes saved it for me. I especially liked Ozzy's "Good Boy" part.

I'd say there's a slight chance you could enjoy it, or maybe just find it waste of time. My thoughts are somewhere in between.

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I loved what this film tried to do, even if the execution wasn't totally there. Off to read the book!

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The message of this bizarre movie is simple: Always build a second exit door on your bathroom!

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I almost want to rate this movie a 7 instead of a 6 just so it gets a better average haha. I thing it perfectly deserves a 6. Not sure why everyone hated it so much.

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Interesting premise, that's all the good I have to say about this movie. It feels like they wanted to make '10 Cloverfield Lane' but from another perspective. The acting is so strange and incompatible with what's happening on-screen that I can't tell if this is a dark comedy? There's some laugh out loud moments during what's meant to be tense scenes. The dad is especially egregious as he threatens to kill the bathroom door, kill a snake and the snake's entire family, kill every inanimate object he can think to threaten, it's hilarious.

It would have been nice let us in on why this family is so broken. It feels like the family dynamic and their traumas were something the writer gleaned from various Wikipedia articles or was derived from other TV shows/movies who also have a deeply uninformed understanding of domestic violence. It doesn't feel very genuine. None of the characters learn anything, they don't develop. There's no sense of time passing. The paranormal elements are severely underdeveloped. Not enough time is spent with the story being told during flashbacks or how it even leads to the final scene.

And then it suddenly ends.

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Not my cup of tea. I really enjoyed the first part of the film, where it's mostly funny, can't say the same about the rest. The concept is pretty decent, great performances, great production, idk it just falls flat. It does have one standout moment but not quite enough for me to recommend.

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Slow build-up to an unsatisfying ending. It's a family drama in the guise of a horror. Gets kinda silly when it's revealed the The entire world ended because two teenage girls did a ritual they found on the internet and unleashed a demon inside one of them. at least that's what I think happened.

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