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Werewolf by Night 2022

From Marvel comes the television special Werewolf by Night, a loving tribute to classic horror cinema. Following the death of monster hunter Ulysses Bloodstone, a group of notorious hunters are invited to compete for Bloodstone’s power gem. Gael García Bernal and Laura Donnelly lead the cast and give strong performances, and director Michael Giacchino does an impressive job at emulating the look and feel of the monster movies from the 1930s & ‘40s (especially in the use of black-and-white cinematography). The choice to shoot in black-and-white also helps to keep the blood and violence from becoming too gory or graduations. However, the plot’s a little predictable and doesn’t allow for a lot of character development. Yet while it has a few weaknesses, Werewolf by Night is a well-crafted showcase of some of Marvel’s monsters.

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Marvel Studios’ first Special Presentation, Werewolf by Night, is a delightful departure from the usual superhero fare. 

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Shout by Steffe73

Bevare there is Two versions out one in black & white and one in color

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"Werewolf by Night in Color" kept all the greatness and is much more MCU right now. However the original in stylised black and white was much cool and had more gravitas as an vintage project.
In monochrome or in colors it's an amazing MCU movie. Love it both ways.

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Why does EVERYTHING made for Millenials and Genz has to be goofy amd clowny? Not even for 10 yearolds. RATE 3/10

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...TF did I just watch, bro?

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I really liked the idea that those most may consider monsters actually have more humanity to them than those most consider human, especially in this day and age of the worldwide rising tide of fascism, white nationalism, and neo-Nazism.

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This is a strange little movie. The production very much made some deliberate nuance choices with its black and white, 30ish vibe. I’m not sure it’s worth watching. It hit 2 notes and fell flat. I give this film a 5 (meh) out of 10. [Comedic Horror?]

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Very well done. I gave it an 8 just for the quality of production. The acting, which I think was on purpose was cheesy but it worked. I recommend 1 watch. You probably will not have a urge to watch it more than that

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Wasn't amazing but it was good and didn't overstay it's welcome

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Great pastiche of 1930's Monster Movies
Loved it. The storytelling was great, the creative visuals were on-point, & as many have pointed out, the pacing and length were absolutely perfect! It was just well-done, straight-up & I really want Marvel (& Disney in gen) to do more of these wonderful little specials.

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Interesting classic chiaroscuro play, but nothing more. :)

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Maybe my expectations were high because everyone was saying how good this is and how different it is compared to other mcu projects.
Well I don’t see what all the hype is about, it’s mediocre at best and quite forgettable. Pretty much the same as almost everything else in phase 4.

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Even when Marvel tries to do something more heavy, it appeals to this silly kind of humour and this disturbs a lot the experience. The movie tries to simulate the old horror movies, but still didn't convince me, at least the history is entertaining.

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Finally Marvel makes a good movie (Guardians franchise aside), great cinematography inspired by German expressionist cinema (even the protagonist looks a bit like Conrad Veidt), good direction, fascinating characters.
It's a pity it is too short, it should have been at least 30 minutes longer, expecially because the rushed finale.
Hope to see another movie directed by Michael Giacchino with these characters

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"It will weaken it, it will also make it angry."

One shots might be the way to go for Marvel in the Disney+ saga. I really enjoyed this and while it does have more current vfx and action in it than the old timey horror classics, it is directed in a manner that feels respectful and fun. Who knew Michael Giacchino had directing chops!

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I found it quite boring with logical plot holes as deep as the Mariana Trench.

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wooooow it wasn't good at all, I mean by no means.... But at least it was short. Idk what I hopped when I started this, to be a good wink to 40's monster movies, to be pretty or to be a descent movie... It's none of this.

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I used to complain that Marvel’s TV shows felt like watered-down movies; now I am complaining that their self-contained medium-length features feel like TV show pilots. “Werewolf by Night” limits itself to introducing new characters, and despite being quite entertaining, it felt a little out of focus. If the aim was to pay tribute to the Universal classic monsters, a black-and-white filter paired with a couple of cheap-looking dummies is not enough to create the right mood. The cinematography and camerawork are pretty much the same as any other cookie-cutter Marvel product. You could say it’s campier than usual, but that’s the case with most of Phase 4. The black and white allowed them to use blood, but other than that, it’s the same old action sequences with a barebone plot to give context. I’m interested to see how these characters will fit in the bigger picture, though.

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This was really interesting: A touch of the gothic, plus a touch of old school monster/horror films make this a good watch. Indeed, There are moments when Vincent Price wouldn't be out of place. The references to older films don't feel contrived whilst touches of humour aren't too OTT (unlike recent main franchise offers - Carry On Thor anyone?) I really hope there are more of these, as there are characters with potential. Say what you like about the Marvel Machine, but there are some really good pieces of engaging entertainment to be found, particularly when you step away from the big event films.

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This is, particularly for an MCU project, spectacular. The suspense was perfectly drawn out, and there's a plot interesting enough that it may actually leave you wanting more by the end, and wishing it was longer.

I appreciate some of the nods to period accuracy here (what most notably caught my eye was the excellent use of on-set contrast for the sake of black & white, something WandaVision failed miserably at), but I do with they'd given it more purpose, and what they do with it at the end, while pleasant to the eye, is certainly bewildering, and I'm a bit confused as to why they made the choice they did there, visually.

I'm giving this a 9/10 for now, I may lower it later, but it seems appropriate for now.

P.S. crazy how this came out the same week as She Hulk's finale, huh? Wild. The literal peak and valley of the entire MCU Phase 4 in one week.

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Short but sweet with the introduction of a cool comic hero in live action form. With Marvel’s version of Swamp Thing, Ted making his debut as well.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Werewolf by Night’:

  1. It was kind of a Twilight Zone moment with lesser impact and a bigger budget.

  2. It was random fun and refreshingly different for Marvel. But I was left wanting just a little bit more and asking why.

  3. I enjoyed the black and white approach as well as the werewolf look. It was certainly well done.

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It was okay, I guess. I mean, they did it okay, but things looked abit too clean for the genre, in my opinion and taste. And the ending felt kinda predictable. It was an okay movie, I guess. Also, I feel I wanna rate this, more of a 6.6/10 for me. I just felt 7 was about the closest I was able to rate it, on the site.

Also maybe Marvel should just stick to superheroes. This, relatively, felt like a waste of time and not that passionately made

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Easily the best thing from marvel since infinity war, it's not woke, it's not political, it's not activism, it's just a good story with good actors, the only problem is that is short, only 55 minutes, but good 55 minutes.

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I have no idea what this shit is about.
I know it's based on a character who had one outing in 1972 (which took a further 48 years to be ressurected), and that's where this should've remained.

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I was surprised watching something decent coming from disney.

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This is a very different kind of movie from Marvel. Although can one really call a show under 60 minutes a movie? By that I mean it would have been nice to see a little bit more of this story.

The monster in this story are really the heroes and the hero is really the monster.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of these one-off's from the MCU.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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[Disney+] The intentions are understood and the homage to classic horror films is ok, but it ends up being a conventional and basic effort that doesn't delve too deeply into any of the aspects it raises. A special program that reproduces the old style without supporting it in a contemporary point of view. An imitation game that probably Michael Giacchino will have enjoyed more than I did as a viewer.

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A marvel movie that came out of nowhere, that isn’t like anything else in the MCU catalog! Firstly, it’s not going to be for everyone. It’s a black and white monster movie that feels straight out of the 1940’s. With that being said, another audience is going to love it for the same reason. I think it’s certainly worth watching, and I hope more oddities like this come to the MCU.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Awesome! I didn't know what to expect when starting this movie, and found it to be so much fun going through this journey. I hope others enjoy it as much as I did.

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Pretty impressive for only 55 minutes. The black and white throwback style is unique and well executed. The production design appropriately captures the pulpy horror vibe. The writing/performances are stronger than I've come to expect out of Marvel's recent efforts. I enjoyed Gael Garcia Bernal back in his Mozart in the Jungle days, and he doesn't disappoint in this role either. Even the action has some surprises, being a bit more gruesome and bloody than the sanitized fist fights Marvel typically churns out. As far as criticisms go, I feel a little guilty in admitting that I didn't love the actual design of the titular werewolf. I'm sure it's probably inspired by the classic designs and old school special effects, but even so, it's not my favorite. Still, this is a unique little Marvel experiment that shows that they still have some gas in the tank, especially when they venture outside their standard formula.

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Nice to see something different. Not a masterpiece but well done.

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Marvel should stick to doing what they do best. This, is not big or clever or any good.

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Cool change up to see from Marvel as they give us a short but sweet ode to classic monster movies. It still has the Marvel dialogue and tone but in a different package, hope to see more

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WTF did I just watch?! If this is the Marvel Future then I am so done

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Had high expectations after all the praise on social media. A big meh. Has nothing special going for it other than the gimmicky old Universal horror filter. The co-lead actress has some very bland facial expressions.

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The plot, script, and acting were all so intricately woven together. Not only is it fun and entertaining, but more importantly, unique and classy. Marvel studios once again nailed it on this one.

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This is a 10/10 for me. I can’t believe it was 52 minutes

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Supremely well done. This format finally did for me what I’ve seen it do for so many others who have an easier time getting into older movies.

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I love when Marvel is encouraged to do different things.

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Super weird especially for marvel but I kinda dig it. Managed to make interesting characters and plot in under an hour, so I’d give it a 9/10.

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Super weird especially for marvel but I kinda dig it. Managed to make interesting characters and plot in under an hour, so I’d give it a 9/10.

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the flaming tuba player should meet up with the flamethrower guitar guy from Fury Road and start a band or something

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I need more stories like this from Marvel! :black_heart:

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About 15 minutes was OK, the rest was like watching paint dry.

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This is so well done and by the time it’s over you’ll crave for more! 9/10. Ted rules!!

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Deam man! I F#%$@ love it!!!

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This looks cool so far:eyes:

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