Personal Lists featuring...

What's Love Got to Do with It 1993


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


2024 Updated List:


Movies That are made from real people or events in Alphabetical Order


This is a list of movies and series based on historical figures that I've watched or plan to watch.


Tired of slave movies?

Know black history and cinema is WAYYYY more than being chained to a damn ship and picking cotton?

Than this is the list for you.

Coming of Age


A complete list of movies discussed on The Filmlings Podcast.

The Filmlings Podcast is an exploration of effective film rhetoric. Long-time friends Alex Geringer and Jonathan Satchell sit down each month and analyze the intersections of cinema to find out what makes great films great.

This list is organized in the order that the films were covered on the podcast. You can find links to each associated podcast episode here:


Shows and movies released between 1990 and 1999.


AFI's 100 Most Inspiring Films of All Time

These 100 movies inspire us, encourage us to make a difference and send us from the theatre with a greater sense of possibility and hope for the future.

The jurors have been asked to consider the following criteria in making their selections:

  • Feature-Length Fiction Film: Narrative format, typically over 60 minutes in length.
  • American Film: English language film with significant creative and/or production elements from the United States.
  • Cheers: Movies that inspire with characters of vision and conviction who face adversity and often make a personal sacrifice for the greater good. Whether these movies end happily or not, they are ultimately triumphant — both filling audiences with hope and empowering them with the spirit of human potential.
  • Legacy: Films whose "cheers" continue to echo across a century of American cinema.

AFI defines an American film as an English language motion picture with significant creative and/or financial production elements from the United States. AFI defines a feature-length film as a motion picture of narrative format that is typically over 60 minutes in length. Only feature-length American films released before January 1, 2005, will be considered.




Welcome to our updated guide to the 300 Essential Movies To Watch Now, which features incredible must-watch movies from the 1920s to today! In our annual refresh, we’re sticking with the list’s original vision as a definitive source of movie guidance and education for all ages and stages, whether you’re a seasoned film buff or just starting out, while reflecting new trends and significant movies uncovered over the past year. We’re also just making sure we give you some really good movies to watch. The list is sorted by alphabetically.
