Personal Lists featuring...

Wild 2016


2016 released movies I probably want to watch.


Pour une soirée film en famille


International Film Festival Rotterdam 2016 stuff. (might be faulty)


an ever evolving list of movies I have watched


Most of the feature films and some shorts shown at the LUFF. (Sorted by release date.)
Some titles are NSFW and thereby blocked on trakt.


A cinematic history mixed with contemporary art.
Cinema is full of neurotic personalities, but few things are more transfixing than a woman losing her mind onscreen. Horror as a genre provides the most welcoming platform for these histrionics: crippling paranoia, desperate loneliness, masochistic death-wishes, dangerous obsessiveness, apocalyptic hysteria. Unlike her male counterpart - ‘the eccentric’ - the female neurotic lives a shamed existence, making these films those rare places where her destructive emotions get to play.


guncel liste

by asiye d.


My trips to the cinema 2016

by Maxine C.

After discovering probably the best-looking cinema in the UK, travelling to the west of America to see a 4D film about M&M's, finding the greatest film of the decade without being told so, finally finishing the Hunger Games trilogy one year later than it should have been and entering a new phase of Star Wars sans Jar Jar, who knows what could be better than all this forthcoming.

Well, here's all the films I've seen in 2016, a.k.a. doomsday for democracy, showbusiness and the world itself. At least the movies were good enough. Well, except for the second one on this list.
