Personal Lists featuring...

Wild at Heart 1990


(Short films) + (Horror films) + (Disney Films) + (Netflix) + (Award Winning Movies) + (War films) + (Short films by Emanuela Esposito) + (IFC + A2A Films) + (Rewatch fantasy /sci fi movies)


Drama, Historical, Biopics, Suspense, Mystery, Crime movies that I have watched


Starting this March and coinciding with the release of his latest film Dream Scenario (2023), we celebrate the most versatile actor of our time, Nicolas Cage. Dubbed “Hollywood’s greatest surrealist” by The New York Times, Cage is one of the most mercurial, divisive, unpredictable yet widely beloved, enigmatic thespians working today. He has garnered a near-mythological status by waging a career-long, one-man war against naturalism, refusing to let staid ideas about how people might behave in “real life” dictate his performances. It’s time to unpack and uncage the madness that is Nicolas Cage!


Films and series that have a gothic aesthetic or themes.


Feature films directed by David Lynch.

Additionally, the one-minute short film "Premonitions Following an Evil Deed" from "Lumière and Company" (1995) has been included in this list due to its esteemed status as essential viewing for aficionados of Lynch's work. Furthermore, I've taken the liberty of adding "The Short Films of David Lynch" (2002) DVD collection for those who yearn to delve deeper into his repertoire, although these primarily encompass his student, comissioned work and experimental web shorts.

David Lynch is also well-known for his iconic television series, "Twin Peaks."

Given the infrequent commercial success of the distinctive films Lynch crafts and the idiosyncrasies of box office dynamics, Lynch has openly declared his decision not to pursue any future theatrical feature films.


Festival de Cannes, desde 1955.
1955 - Marty
1956 - O mundo do Silêncio
1957 - Sublime tentação
1958 - Quando voam as cegonhas
1959 - Orfeu negro
1960- A doce vida
1961 - Uma tão longa ausência e
1962 - O pagador de promessas
1963 - O leopardo
1975 - Crônica dos anos de fogo
1976 - Taxi driver
1977 - Pai patrão
1978 - As árvores dos tamancos
1979 - O tambor e
Apocalypse Now
1980 - All that Jazz; o show deve continuar e
Kagemusha; a sombra do samurai
1981 - Homem de Ferro
1982 - Yol e
Missing; desaparecido, um grande mistério
1983 - A balada de Narayama
1984 - Paris, Texas
1985 - Quando papai saiu em viagem de negócios
1986 - A missão
1987 - Sob o sol de satã
1988 - Pelle, o conquistador
1989 - Sexo, mentiras e videotape
1990 - Coração selvagem
1991 - Barton fink - delírios de hollywood
1992 - As melhores intenções
1993 - Adeus, minha concubina
1994 - Pulp Fiction; tempo de violência
1995 - Underground - mentiras de guerra
1996 - Segredos e mentiras
1997 - Gosto de cereja
1998 - A eternidade e um dia
1999 - Rosetta
2000 - Dançando no escuro
2001 - O quarto do filho
2002 - O pianista
2003 - Elefante
2004 - Fahrenheit 11 de setembro
2005 - A criança
2006 - Ventos da liberdade
2007 - 4 meses, 3 semanas e 2 dias
2008 - Entre os muris da escola
2009 - A fita branca
2010 - Tio Boonmee, que pode recordar suas vidas passadas
2011 - Árvore da vida
2012 - Amor
2013 - Azul é a cor mais quente
2014 - Sono do inverno
2015 - O refúgio
2016 - Eu, Daniel Blake
2017 - The square, a arte da discórdia
2018 - Imagem e Palavra e
Assunto de família
2019 - Parasita
2021 - Titane
2022 - Triangle of sadness
2023 - Anatomy of a fall
