Shouts about...

Winter's Tale 2014

Enchanting and magical, Winter’s Tale is a unique blending of period drama and fantasy. The story follows a thief in early 20th century New York City who falls in love with an heiress who’s terminally ill, but dark forces conspire to prevent their love from taking hold. Starring Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown Findlay, and Russell Crowe, the casting is fairly strong and their performances are quite good. Additionally, the look of the film is extraordinary, and gives New York City a surreal, storybook feel. Also, composers Rupert Gregson-Williams and Hans Zimmer provide a transcendent score that pairs beautifully with the visual aesthetic. Delightfully charming, Winter’s Tale is a romantic and stylish film that captures the imagination.

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This movie got a lot of bad reviews but I really enjoyed watching this. I didn't expect the whole 'angels and demons' part in this movie which made the story more beautiful and different from other love stories. Beautiful fairytale.

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One chip of tea and he loves her forever...O.o

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Shout by Deleted

it´s not a masterpiece but i don't think it deserves so much bashing from the critics ( 30/100 in metaC ) there´s far worst on the genre with more rating/score. it´s cheesy, it could have been better but give it a try, don't just rule it out.

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"Is it possible to love someone so completely, they simply can't die?"

Wow, this is pretty awful. I had never heard anything about it and watched it because it just turned 10, but man, it was pretty brutal. Just know that Martin Scorsese called this movie unfilmable when asked to direct it a decade earlier.

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But also what the hell trakt, that’s a shit description in the thumbnail. Way to give away the plot.

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“When true love is lost, life can bleed of all meaning. “

What at first seemed like a silly little flick turned into something that hit me quite unexpectedly, and hit hard. Well then! How about that.
All in all a lovely modern fairytale with a lovely message. Quite sad, but also, not.

In the credits it threw Matt Bomer at me. So now I feel like I have to rewatch it all, just to find the “young man” he’s playing lmao.

Spoilers/quotes below.

Is this why we love at all? To save?

What if we are all unique and the universe loves us all equally? So much so that it bends over backwards across the centuries for each and everyone of us. And sometimes we are just lucky enough to see it.

No life is more important than another
And nothing has been without purpose.

And one day, when we have done what we alone are capable of doing, we get to rise up and reunite with those we have loved the most, forever embraced.

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Some sweet scenes, but the main plot is quite underwhelming.

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Set aside your cynicism and hopelessness and you will discover that this movie is a modern day fairy tale. I walked into this movie with the bad publicity and reviews in my back and in the end I'm glad I decided to see it for myself and be aware there's as much truth in them as there is in the notion there isn't magic (anymore) in this world.

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It's so boring, and it just drones on and on.....

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Maybe a little bit too saccharine, but effective nonetheless.

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Shout by Deleted

Russell Crowe is the most interesting character here. The chemistry between Jessica and Colin is even sweet, but overall it's kitsch, pathos and artifice.

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Every man and every woman is a star.

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Shout by rapunzalia

Winter's tale is one of those movies that is so bad it becomes fun to watch. Nothing made sense and there were so many ridiculous things I don't know what to describe first! The lights got brighter, the lines got cheesier every second, people were confused about whether the horse was a horse or a dog, and there is a death by Colin Farrell sex. How brilliant is that?
Oh and did I mention the sudden appearance of Will Smith? It was even better than suddenly seeing Lenny Kravitz in The Hunger Games (with golden eyeliner).

This is an amazingly good bad movie. I recommend watching this with friends because you'll be giggling all the way through!

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I loved it. A little bit ridiculous at times and quite fantasy-ish overall, but nonetheless a sweet, well woven story. (I have not read the book so I cannot comment on that.)

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Im not a big fan of romance flicks but this one caught my eye and kept me interested.

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