Shouts about...

Wish I Was Here 2014

I'm a huge fan of Garden State and it took me a while to catch this movie. It looked so different than GS, and it is, especially in its dramatic tone.
It was good to get back to old friends. We see a lot of familiar faces from GS, like Jim Parsons, Michael Weston, Ato Essandoh.
I like the new perception of reality: it's OK to be saved sometimes, instead of being the hero all the time. Get things come to us, instead of chasing them again and again.
I hope Zach Braff has the chance to make another personal movie soon.
A good score on this one, ZB is great at choosing songs.

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I really enjoyed this. I felt that it got better as it went. It was a movie w/ heart about the intricacies of family dynamics, and they really delved into what makes and breaks these intensely personal relationships.

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If you look close enough you can probably see the numbers on the screen that the director used to "paint" this movie. Everything about this movie felt second-rate: the script, acting, delivery, etc. We've seen all of this done before, and much better. There is nothing wrong with the film (other than it feeling like it was 45 minutes longer than it really is) - there just isn't anything that stands out.

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Shout by Deleted

Stay away from this movie. It's SO boring... Zzzz.

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Shout by Deleted

People, come on, don't expect the best film ever made or Scrubs 2.0.

This film is a touching and enjoyable piece of art.

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I dunno, this story is weird. It doesnt really have a plot.. It's just about a family who has to endure the pains of a love one as he dies from cancer with a few subplots throw in to lengthen the movie. THATS ABOUT IT!

I didn't know what I expected from this movie, but this just left me empty. As if the movie had no point.

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