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Wonder Woman 1984 2020

Slow moving, not as good as the first movie.

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It's just boring. There is a whole bunch of other flaws (some very big - WTF where those CGI and action scenes?) but none of those matter if I'm barely paying attention after an hour because of how boring the story is.

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What's the obsession with heels? Amazonian'a were grounded because they understood the importance of foot bio mechanics up the rest of the kinetic chain. The weird obsession of walking like a wounded animal seems very out of character for Diana but on well.

Nothing like the first movie which was fantastic but entertaining none the less. Glad I didn't waste £25 at the IMAX though

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It was a bit long like the last one but i did love the beginning. To see Diana as a girl and doing that competition but i like how Antiope showed young Diana a lesson in about being a true hero with the truth. She was super fast and loved how she used that lasso plus this whole wishes was something to be learned, i did feel bad that Diana had to lose her wish of Steve being back cause that is the one thing she always wanted but cant have cause her destiny is to help the world from badness.

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I give it 7/10. The pacing was just too slow and the plot overall is pretty weak. Also, I am mad they didn't give Max proper powers like in comic books. I prefer the first movie to this.
However, opening Themyscira is on fire! Thoroughly enjoyed that part!

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Not as good as the first movie, but it is still very entertaining.

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In the end it’s been a Christmas miracle! :christmas_tree: :star2: :santa:

Good action.
Nice characters.
Wholesome story.

Loved it!

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Are you a DC fan? Sorry but this is not for you. It is such an ordinary movie. But I must add Pedro Pascal is saving the day. It is nice watching him at. Also nice seeing some 80s vibes. That's it.

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Disappointing and boring. Jeez DC is really stepping up their game.

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First! This didn't feel like a dc story at all, more like a corny Christmas story.
It wasn't bad! Just a huge disappointment from what i had expected. Not to mention the numerous laws of physics that were completely fucked

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Really excellent sequel.

It has plenty of story in it - with some real analogies to today's world and our societal views - and there's enough action to keep it moving along.

I liked that it was 2h30 and we didn't need 1 hour of it to begin everyone's stories. Time was spent on the Kristen Wiig character and she turned out to be excellent in the role (for the first time in a long time).

Gal Gadot is mesmerising to look at in this film more so than at any other time. She was flawless throughout.

I loved the opening section (no spoilers). Anything on the island is fantastic.

And I thought the nod to an aspect of another DC hero towards the end just about tread the line of being cool not cringe.

1984 is a cool time to set it and the music didn't go overboard. They used it really well without flooding it like MTV.

Overall, I loved it. Just the sequel we needed.


I think WW/WW84 are the best DC have. The rest have been crap for the most part.

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This is not dc at all.

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This was supposed to save cinemas? Oh my.

Pedro Pascal did steal the show though.

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We’ve seen these villain arcs many times before (Pfeiffer’s Catwoman, Carey’s Riddler, Fox’s Elektro, Thurman’s Poison Ivy and even the Djinn from Wishmaster). Overall an enjoyable movie that could have been 15-30 minutes shorter.

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Cheesy, hammy, hopeful, optimistic, warm, fun. It delighted me.

Lucky enough to watch it on the big screen here in Australia.

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Starts off well and then starts takin itself too seriously.

Wish it had the campy fun of the 1st movie.

Despite that it’s a good one time watch. Gal gadot is great.

Also, why was this movie set in 1984? No logic to it. Could have been 1994, 1974, 1964. Wouldn’t have made a difference.:smirk:

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This is definitely a step back, this is Spider man Homecoming level, it's entertaining but nothing else.

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What a waste of time time...

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Kinda campy. Really boring and predictable all throughout except the ending. The resolution was very Wonder Woman and honestly, saved the movie for me. The mid-credit scene was also a surprise addition.

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i have a soft spot for anything 80s and this is 80s on steroids. the plot and action is typical of a standalone superhero comic book adaptation for sure but the cast is likable and engaging. i agree with the sentiments that gal gadot's acting is a little mediocre but on the bright side that makes her good moments very noticeable (her chemistry with chris pine is excellent, for example). i liked the fx, the cgi was good enough that i didn't get jolted out of the movie at any point. i'm loving this one month availability thing through hbo max too—i can't say i have any interest in purchasing this franchise OR renting it for $20 during these covid-19 times. hope more production companies do partnerships like this in the future!

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Oh my God, could this movie be any worse. The laws of physics can be bent in super hero movies sure, but completely ignored it seems in this case. And the plot was so easy to predict, but the resolution at the end seemed so lazy. Where did the team for the first movie go, I get that they hire cheaper staff where they can for sequels to save money, but it seems like they got a bunch of amateurs to work on this one.

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The part where they said something was lame. Fits this movie. I couldn't get into it at all. Just waited for the end

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Sneaky Hans thought I wouldn't notice Beautiful Lie playing when Diana was giving her speech to the world. If only he'd re-score JL for the Snyder Cut.

Movie was ok but I preferred the first one. This one felt more adventurous while the first one felt more heroic. That's not a bad thing but it's maybe just not my thing. Cheetah got a bit too close to Cats territory but thankfully avoided it narrowly. Max was just a weirdo with no real plan and the whole thing with the kid just felt like a crutch to justify his redemption. Guess I just didn't enjoy Diana being nerfed for half the movie.

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This was boring, sappy and childish at times. This is so disappointing.

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kristen wiig please hang out with me this thursday when i am free

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Boring AF. I love Pascal, but this was sad.

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Very bad. very flat characters. and men are criminals or furniture.For now I have been watching 44 minutes and I am seriously thinking about stopping watching it. I don't think I'm going to miss a lot.
pd: solo se puede escribir en ingles?

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not as good as the first one, but still enjoyable, especially for a DC movie. More actions scenes would have made it better.

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Was largely bored, and felt that about a third of the film could (perhaps should?) have been cut to tighten it up for a streaming release.

Felt that my TV didn't provide enough spectacle to the limited action scenes, and feel that I would have enjoyed its limited charms more in the cinema.

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Its a good movie but not as good as the first. The start of the movie feels very original superman cheese which is cool. The movie borrows a lot ost from other dc movies which kinda annoyed me and the gold suit was lame. There was a good few twists that the trailer didnt give away.

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Shout by TDASSA

I see why WB released it online,if their 2021 movies like that i say put it online and save us the trip to theaters,you can see in the this movie the difference between MCU & DC,Marvel have their way in making you accept the comics logic without it looking like childish movies, infinity stones, quantum realm ok i will buy that..but in DC ww84 granting & renouncing wishes and how wonder woman flying;you find yourself not buying it and looking very childish & stupid. I hate to see the talent of Hans Zimmer wasted on DC movies like this that, someone take him to MCU please.
PS.kudos on lynda carter cameo,one of the few things i liked in this movie.

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First 1/3 of the movie was great and then just keeps falling apart. Acting, plot, affects just kept getting worst. I want just the opening Pre-story as a short film and pretend the rest never happened.

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Wow, this is a great example of the true power of Hollywood marketing. Such a great trailer but a totally disappointing movie.
Ridiculously childish opening, boring as hell all the way. Just expensive cinematographies.

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I'm so excited by the Linda Carter cameo!

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I don't want to be rude but this was a bad movie. And saying that today, with Covid and sh*t, makes it worse. Bad plot; mostly fan-service; sometimes bad acting; and too much childish scenes. On the last part I was imaging Avengers asking Thanos "reject your wish" and I felt stupid only by hearing that

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So great to see all her Sisters who later fell in battle, Steve, Asteria...the interaction between nerd and popular girl (and, for me, seeing the Ms. Wiig rocking those gold FMP's was totally real and satisfying, even the action scenes)...and to see People being great in times of conflict. 9/10, based on my emotional responses, YMMV.

I have a super power...really feeling it when I watch movies.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-12-25T18:12:30Z— updated 2020-12-27T11:30:02Z

Some scenes could have been edited out to make the movie shorter. In the first half Kristen Wiig feels like she was type cast from Ghostbusters as a goofy and clumsy genius.
Wiig at least feels less like she is phoning it in as the movie goes on. Pedro Pascal (the Mandalorian) Maxwell Lord though feels like a villain of the week.
The films strength is the chemistry of Gal Gadot and Chris Pine. As well as just Gal Gadot period.
The weakest aspect is the plot that really isn’t worthy of Gadot’s Wonder Woman. The movie isn’t bad though. Since despite being too long. It isn’t an overlong bleak mess, like Batman v Superman.
However it is too long to simply give us another Christmas message of “be happy with what you have.”

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This didn't give me the same vibe as the first film, action was good to watch but could of been more, felt the plot was a little cheesy along with Kristen's & Pedro's roles that i didn't think they suited, I enjoyed watching thought and it had some decent moments, cool effects and some good work from the beautiful Gal Gadot too.

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I liked it, it seemed different to me, I liked the 1 more

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Boring most of the time. It was very predictable in terms of plot.
Alot of the things did not make sense, like why the Chetta becomes herself in the final form (I though she only had one wish?). Also the invisible plane out of nowhere and wonder woman knowing how to fly in a matter of seconds also made no sense.

The villain was entertaining in his 80s style sort of way and Chris Pine is always good.

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Didnt like the plot. The whole making a wish for what you want the most, and then realising what it cost you is a boring teen girl movie trope.
Barely any exciting fight scenes. Seems like a filler movie, in the hopes of a better plot involving Cheetah vs WW?

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A excellent film. Maybe the best film by DCEU so far!!

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The trailer looks bad ass...the music. Amazing.

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