List of documentaries (movies/TV series) I plan to watch or I watched and I think it's worth seeing. If I watched must have at least 7 (my rate) to remain on the list. Updated regularly.

If you are looking for Oscar`s, check the below lists with all nominees and winners in Documentary (feature/short) category
Just winners (feature) > https://trakt.tv/users/oropher_e/lists/academy-awards-oscar-winners-documentary-feature?sort=rank,desc
Just nominees (feature) > https://trakt.tv/users/oropher_e/lists/academy-awards-oscar-nominees-documentary-feature?sort=rank,desc
Just winners (short) > https://trakt.tv/users/oropher_e/lists/academy-awards-oscar-winners-documentary-short?sort=rank,desc
Just nominees (short) > https://trakt.tv/users/oropher_e/lists/academy-awards-oscar-nominees-documentary-short?sort=rank,desc


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro


Music films and concerts


Politics, Sports, History and Music


[Movies & series] Musicals, biographies/biopics & documentaries on musicians, composers & creator's (real or 'enhanced' cast musically).
Also movies/series that don't traditionally slot into the musical genre, but that are, imo, minor musicals, in that lead / supporting cast sing/perform multiple times & story utilises their musical abilities as part of the plot. [EG/ Beatles based movie Yesterday, or Florence Foster Jenkins].

Sorted by release date.
