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Would You Rather 2013

This movie was hilarious!!! xD

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Quite a decent horror film actually, better than I thought it was going to be. Brittany Snow is awesome as always.

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Took me awhile to get around to watching this crazy film that I can say kept me entertained. What a nasty film. Good script. I new the ending before I've got to it, it was just a gut feeling or I've just seen too many films. ha Would you rather give this a go? Or would you rather give this a go? Choose wisely ha

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I liked it. It was a bit predictable in parts but overall had a great time watching.

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Bit of fun. It can get a bit sick and hellish. I thought Combs owned his character and he was funny. It's a pretty ridiculous movie and it reminded me of Cheap Thrills which came out a year after this. Not much to say ahout the story, its super simple. I suppose you'll either enjoy the daftness and grimness or you won't. As much as I could point out a lot of faults or how simple it was, in the end it did make me laugh unexpectedly and feel uncomfortable, so job done. It did have a charm.

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Have very mixed feelings about the film. Definitely wouldn't call it horror, most of it was just hilarious because of the acting, especially the man's who played Mr Lambrick. Instead of seeming scary and powerful, he came off as a goofy and campy guy, especially so in the beginning of the dinner when his foreshadowing words were accompanied by tense and dramatic music, while nothing big of the sort followed, this was so hilarious, I swear. None of the characters got a clear background or their motives, there was nothing to sympathise with them about, except for the main character, so there was really no intrigue about the winner. "The game" itself felt lackluster, wouldn't deny that there were tense moment that kept me on the edge of a seat, but nevertheless the challenges were pretty tame and very PG. Also most of the challenges went way too long to the point of getting boring because of the repetitiveness. But I really loved the ending, it seemed like a perfect way to end the story.
This all said, I would still recommend to watch this film, but not as a horror, but comedy/drama.

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Shout by Deleted

Un buen punto de partida de bajo presupuesto que el director no ha sabido exprimir al máximo.

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Like a dull guillotine: a good idea but terrible execution.

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The main idea of the game is very good, but not as quite well executed as I imagined. It could be more intense than it was, and darker. The game hoster should speed it up and not make so many pauses. 70% are medium actors too, and most characters have not background, so we don't get to connect much. It is fun to watch, but a forgettable movie, unfortunately.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Would You Rather’:

  1. I’m no medical expert, but I wouldn’t expect being whipped in the back to be fatal. And why would he voluntarily remove his jacket beforehand?!

  2. So much here was quite random and pointless. The doctor going to the house… everything with the crazy son… all fairly unnecessary.

  3. The ONLY thing worthy of any praise in this film would be the ending. That was actually pretty messed up, and I didn’t see it coming.

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Shout by Deleted

Good script, but poorly executed.

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Save yourself the headache. It's a forgettable movie, with pointless plot sequences and useless characters. And the plot ends the same no matter what the Iris does. If you want something similar to Saw, just watch Escape Room. Terrible, garbage movie.

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The idea is indeed interesting, but ultimately I just find this a sad movie. Meh.

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I like the idea but the direct is terrible :(

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Hard to watch and disturbing.Worth the time

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This movie is childish, morally speaking.

A rich sadist brings together 8 characters by promising them a big payday if they play his game of "Would You Rather...?". The movie asks us to consider what sort of terrible things we would do for a loved one. But the attraction of the movie relies entirely on a morally unsophisticated audience --- which I guess is most modern people this days. If one keeps in mind the morally sound principle that the ends do not justify the means, it is very easy to see how childish this movie really is. Almost at every turn the villain asks the participants to do some evil so that good may come of it. For a morally unsophisticated person this can be a heart-wrenching choice. For the moral person, it is an invitation to courage: for "it is better to forfeit bodily life than to suffer the loss of one's soul".

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