The critics are out in full force and tearing this movie a new one. I can understand some of the criticism, it's a brainless comedy chop full of cliché jokes, stereotypes, crude toilet humor, so it's to be expected that it's going to receive a lot of negativity. With that said, that's exactly why I loved this movie so much.

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It's funny and crazy to think that a movie like this wouldn't be made today lol.

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funny but the sex in this movie is so unnecessary

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This was a pretty entertaining movie for when it comes to the stupid comedy, or slap stick type comedy.

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If your looking for an Adam Sandler comedy that not so kid friendly this is one. it gets a sold 7.5 /10. cause it's the biggest.

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Haha animal abuse very funny xDDDDDD

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I wanted to like it but it’s Zionist fluff with misogyny disguised as “shop talk.”

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My friend forced me to watch this garbage. Although it has some good jokes (office scene for example, I lost my shit there), it was a pain to sit though. I understand, everything was exaggerated but still. Would never watch again.

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A fun, silly movie, but also quite funny, it is the pure surprise and ridiculousness of the many moments of the movie that makes it funny. You have to suspend your logic while watching this movie and for me personally that was easy to do, i quickly "got into" the movie, like i said, a fun, silly and quite funny movie. Edit: i also want to add, for all the flak sandler gets, i thought he was great in this movie.

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Has it moments, good to watch together with your friends and drink a couple of beers.

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Shout by Deleted

Bad rating? 63% on this is outrageous. I like him, I really do... but this movie is almost as bas as Scary Movie crappy franchising... It´s on my worst Movies ever List.

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Come on! That movie was cool and funny. Why so bad rating?

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