Shouts about...

Your Place or Mine 2023

Its the film the word 'meh' was invented for.

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within the first 5 minutes they decide to force feed you with on-screen text showing you that the opening scene is in the past because you are too stupid to understand.

then they establish that Ashton Kutcher does not understand what herb plants are.

I'm happy that Steve Zahn got paid for this, but his character serves zero purpose.

Tig Notoro continues to be the best with the least amount of effort. Tig Hive rise up

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Unfortunately this was pretty dry. I mean, what happened to Ashton Kutcher? It's like he didn't even try in this one smh.

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It's a decent rom-com, but didn't become one of my favorites.

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Was really enjoying this up until the last 5 minutes.

If you ignore all the stupid things that are unbelievable it’s a light fun movie to watch but it all goes as you’d expect at the end which is disappointing. Odd that they make the guy she didn’t end up with quite likeable and the much better option.

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I get what they were doing with having the two main characters apart for 90% of the film, but I think it's the wrong move for a rom-com. Also, what was up with Steve Zahn's character; they wrote him to be so weird, and possibly brain-damaged.

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Decidedly average :confused: I was hopeful for more with the cast list but it ended up very paint by numbers and lacklustre.
Zero chemistry between the leads unfortunately and no one seemed to be trying that hard.
Tig was just some dry side character too whose main personality trait seemed to be having a (clearly empty) coffee cup in her hand.
Damn shame

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Typical Netflix garbage. Ashton isn’t even trying in this one. He’s here for the pay check. He also looks old and tired. How many covid booster shots has he had up to this point? :joy::rofl:

Romantic comedies work when there's great on-screen chemistry between the two leads. There's none between Reese and Ashton.

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my only question the entire time: what degree is reese’s character earning in a single week?

otherwise, this movie was 100% cheese.

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Reese Witherspoon's acting i think has some how gotten worse. She is a hallmark/lifetime movie's style actress and that's just it. It takes away from every scene she is in. Zoe Chao ang Tig Notaro's parts were the only redeeming parts of this movie.

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Two Actors. Two Careers. One Last Chance.

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Wow! Where does anyone start? Reaally Where? I stopped watching 30 mins into the movie. That was even long. Definetly A MUST NOT, I mean MUST NOT WATCH! Even if you are bored to death do NOT WATCH this movie!

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The movie was okay, they ending was not.

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As romcoms go this one is a bit stale…
Considering it has a half good cast you would have expected better, it’s slow, there’s no real character building and the so called “connection” “romance” “passion” just doesn’t exist.
Also ASHTON is unrecognisable in this film, one two many booster shot I think and I think he phoned he’s performance in on this one….
Normally I would say wait until you’ve watch all the films you want to see before watching this, but on this occasion write a letter to Netflix and as for the hour+ of your life back…

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It was fun and not the typical cheezy type. Enjoy

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awful movie. such a waste of time

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After 108 minutes i happened what we all knew it was gonna happen and the movie ends

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meh. nothing new. same old friendzone movie

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What a disappointment! Such a great cast, a cute enough rom-com plot line. But, this movie was awful. Reese and Ashton were both cringy. The acting was embarrassing, and director should be punished. Even the wardrobes were awful. The only saving grace was the lesbian friend. She was kind of funny. Don’t waste your time. I almost turned it off so many times, but I have a problem leaving things hanging.

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I will rate this movie Abbie has AIDS, please Peter run away/10

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A straight to Netflix romantic comedy is all but ensured my wife would want to watch it at her first opportunity. With a pretty decent cast, it never feels too cheesy, or too plain, even if it is still quite formulaic and predictable. No, I am not advocating this as some great movie, but as far as romantic comedies go this one is decent and will appease its target audience.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Sometimes they forgot about the correct time difference... ;>

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Reese won an Academy Award for Best Actress. What happened? This was awful. She was only about two steps above awful.

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Pretty average but it felt so good to see the rom com actors I grew up with back in something new. Also can’t go wrong with Jesse Williams.

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I'm missing the chemistry they are so trying so hard to create. In movies around 2000 the chemistry between main characters was way better. It seems the match ups are quiet unfortunate these days.

Nevertheless it was a funny movie to watch. Love it when they put in a character like Zen for pure randomness.

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