Not sure how Eisenberg still gets work.

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Proof that doing a 'Double Tap' is not always the best move for movies.

I did not see the first movie when it was released years ago, because zombies are usually not my thing. So when I decided to watch this, I had to see the first movie before seeing ' Double Tap'.
That one surprised me in a positive way. I liked it more than I thought I would. If it wasn't so late at night when I finished 1, I would have watched ' Double Tap' immediately after.
However, when I saw ' Double Tap' the next day, I found out it suffers from the age-old sequel disease. It is still fun, but not as good as the first, less fresh and less inspired.
Since the movie(s) don't take themself too serious, it is still an okay movie and entertaining to watch though.

Enjoyable to see once, nothing more.

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I liked it sporadically. It's a pretty needless sequel, feels extremely episodic, but entertaining enough if you're a fan of the first. Nothing you can't wait to be on Prime or Netflix though. But the post-credit scene DOES bring my overall grade up

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To be honest, with these actors and these characters, I don't think it would be possible for them to make a film that's worth less than 6/10.

The original is better but I wouldn't class Double Tap as a disappointment. It's a good film in its own right, which is rare for sequels in general. Most importantly, it's damn entertaining. In a way, it's a perfect palate cleanser before Oscar-season hits us in the coming months.

It's a 7, but a damn good 7.

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Shout by Deleted

yay, but to be honest Emma was awesome in part one. since she's a A-list star I don't like her that much anymore. she lost the mojo.

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In some ways, it's better, in others, not so much. It definitely stook to the source, which i loved. It enhanced the world building, the references to reality, and the little things like the on-screen text. I loved the way it took me out like a page of illustrations in a book. The same with the comedy. It felt continuous from the first. The story was bad enough in the first, but to go even worse just feels annoying. Loved the action and soundtrack, as per, but I wanted more. The only zombie movies I can watch are comedies. So I want more.

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It was an OK sequel. Basically it was just more of the first movie without the novelty.

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This was good, not as good as the first but still good, few belly laughs, overall enjoyable

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Just as funny and irreverent as the original, even if it hits all the same beats

After a decade in development hell, Zombieland: Double Tap has arrived, and boy is it one of the most unnecessary sequels I've seen in quite some time. However, as unnecessary as it is, it's also extremely enjoyable. It doesn't do a whole lot that wasn't in the original, but the irreverent sense of humour, fourth wall breaks, sharp character interactions, and, most importantly, shedloads of charm are all present and accounted for.

For my complete review, please visit:

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Nice, they still got it :) I even liked that one more then the first one.

It's just funny/entertaining and kinda easy going. One doesn't have to take it too seriously of course.

The intro was already a good idea (actually both the statue that got attacked by the zombies and the narration).

Lots of funny lines of course! I really like them and they aren't really flat.

And the acting is of course super entertaining :D
Tallahassee being Tallahassee.
Columbus, Wichita, and Madison :D
And I freaked out when Thomas Middleditch got out of the monster truck xD He and Jesse Eisenberg are a perfect combination <3 I love them both so much for their acting/roles.

And a beautiful ending :)

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I love the Zombieland franchise. This one was awesome too. Wait for the end credit scenes. :thumbsup_tone2:

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Not as good as the first, but still entertaining. Funny and constantly moving, but the jokes are starting to wear thin. I hope they call it a day after this one.

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Pleasantly surprised after watching this one. I had a low expectations because I hated the first film. I thought the humor was very dated, it had less action, less zombie killing, too drama-y, I just wanted it to end. This sequel however is so much better than the first. I can't get over it. It still follows the same formula but it has the charm that the first doesn't and brings lots of fun. The self-awareness and the jokes had me laughing the whole time! The cast shows off great energy. They feel naturally clever and funny and they have this really unique bond. That blonde girl is undoubtedly a show stealer but she could be very annoying. The zombies have evolved. They became more powerful and harder to kill. As a result we got more action. It is more explosive and just nonstop fun. There's a certain famous person in the first film shows up during post credits scene revealing the day when the outbreak started which is awesome. Overall this is a zombie comedy film that's absolutely filled with entertainment value and is worth a watch!

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"When you love something, you shoot it in the face... So it doesn't become a flesh eating monster."

This was a fun sequel. A good amount of the jokes actually cracked me up which was what I was hoping for.

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Indeed, the writers are very stoned and the actors love to overact in their own pigeonholed roles.

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I really liked the first one, this is not that bad. For a zombie spoof funny story it is ok and it delivers. Of course not as entertaining as the first one but it had it moments and some good kills.

The after credits scene is brilliant.

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A sequel that falls into the mistakes that the first part avoided. The parody turns into self-parody and the characters end up being caricatures of themselves. The action is repetitive and although new characters are introduced, they do not really add anything. Not even T-8000 zombies are taken advantage of by a script that evidences a significant lack of new ideas.

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Zombieland: Double Tap doesn’t quite live up to the original, but it’s entertaining and fun nonetheless. After being teamed up with Tallahassee and Columbus for several years Wichita and Little Rock strike out and their own again, but Wichita returns for their help when Little Rock takes off with a young man to go to a hippie commune. The original cast returns and are joined by Rosario Dawson, Luke Wilson, and Zoey Deutch. Unfortunately though, the plot is pretty rote and the comedy is a little lazy. Still, Zombieland: Double Tap is a fairly solid sequel that has its moments and delivers some good laughs (enough if the satire isn’t as sharp).

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Zoey Deutch must be tired of carrying everything good about this movie.

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Amazing how bad this one goes - 99 whole minutes lacking every single thing that made the first movie super fun and unique.

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Ok Good Comedy Zombie Movie

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I loved the first one, but they should have Double-Tapped the writers when they produced this piece of garbage. I watched Zombieland just a week or so ago for the first time, so it's fresh in my memory. Instead of lol, we get a slight smile in Double Tap, but even that is rare. The Bill Murray bit at the end is entirely cringe-worthy and a waste of 1's and 0's (film for the older generation).

Woody, Jesse and Emma still look exactly the same - amazing considering it's been 9+ years. Looks like Abigail has been eating all those Twinkies (or whatever it was) that Tallahassee was searching for in the first movie!!!

Waste of time - 3/10

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Can we please get a "Into the Zombieland with Bill Murray" movie?!

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I went into this knowing it wouldn't surpass the first one and what do you know... I was right by far. It's a shame because the first one was great! The cast definitely choose the money over acting and without 'Woody Harrelson' the comedy would of been dead and the script was stupid at times, could of been so much better but was definitely not thought about much and rushed. Definitely been overrated on Trakt.

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Bill Murray I think was the only memorable thing about the first movie, sue me. I actually enjoyed this movie more. It’s goofy but very entertaining and funny.

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Shout by Deleted

Thats is a zombie movie, acting very good, is not boring, action

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I don't know why but I really liked the movie. I have re-watched the first one the day before and I found the 2nd more entertaining. I laughed at a lot of the jokes. Not the greatest movie I have ever seen but it got me entertained for 2 hours and that's what counts.

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OK, so I didn't (re)watch the first movie since its release, but I think this one of the very rare sequels that live up to their previous iterations.

It was funny, badass and sometimes suspenseful, just like the original.
Nothing to say except when is the third one planned for?

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I definitely preferred the first movie. This was just an OK followup, nothing more.

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I don't think the movie got me as much as the first one did 10 years ago but I gotta say it worked quite good as a sequel for me. For me it was mostly more of the same but in a good way. I think I might watch them as a double feature next time, but who knows.

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It's a fun to see all four of the main characters back and interacting with each other, but beyond that the storyline and supporting characters are kind of weak, besides Rosario Dawson. Some jokes start out as funny, but end up dragging on too long. Overall, this felt like a really lame episode of a good tv show.

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Okay, without further ado, it is lower than the first one, it makes you want to kill the hippies yourself for fools. The post-credit scene is almost the best

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The whole crew is back for a decade-later reunion tour in this silly, gore-flaunting, undead escapade. I welcomed the familiarity, I laughed at most of the jokes, I appreciated the winks and callbacks, but the whole thing is a little too on-the-nose and easy. Everything feels like a time-chewing diversion, like a whole slew of side dishes without an entree.

Double Tap has some inspired moments - Luke Wilson and Thomas Middleditch as cut-rate stand-ins for the male leads, most memorably - but man, it really misses the sense of urgent motivation that was everywhere in the original. Each new plot development or character feels lazy, thin and temporary, and without the fresh allure of learning those famous rules of survival, it all comes up a bit lacking. Points for the wacky new breeds of zombie, though, and for a tremendous, unexpected mid-credits scene that, er, feels more energetic and inspired than half the material in the feature. Come to think of it, maybe I should take points away for that one.

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It has it's few nice punchlines.

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The plot in the sequel could be better, but the atmosphere and some doze of humor was maintained.

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Did we really need a sequel to Zombieland? The original was good but this late addition to the 'franchise' is a little too late to the game. Its not bad, just awfully uninspired!

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Shout by Chris

“When you love something, you shoot it in the face...So it doesn’t become a flesh eating monster.
- Wichita
All hail Zoey D for saving this movie,

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6 - Fair

Good zombie movie, kind of predictable but hey what you're gonna do, it's a zombie movie!
Definitely liked the first one more though

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Emma Stone looked the entire movie like she lost a bet or something and HAD to do it.

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Would have given this a 6, but the during credit scene bumped it up.

"I'm afraid of no ghost"

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Just saw the movie. Well... It's fine, but not as good as the first one. The first one is on whole different level.

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The film is as good as expected. I love the annoying girl lol

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I don't know if it's just my fondness for the first movie, but I truly enjoyed Double Tap. Not as fun as the original, but still very entertaining.

The plot is a bit cheesy, but so was the original's. I didn't really want a deep plot in a movie like this; honestly I would have been happier with less story and more action.

The crazy zombie kills are still there and they are still funny to me. The characters have not changed much, it's like going back ten years. also liked most of the new characters, especially Albuquerque and Flagstaff.

All in all, I recommend this one. It's not too long and it's funny. Sure, if you watch right after the first one, it falls a bit short, but it is still capable of standing on its own.


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I can't believe how flat this one fell - like the sound of a beanbag on a shag rug!

Clearly they made an effort to re-capture the fun & charm of the 1st one, but lacked virtually any originality. Great cast of characters, each competent in their own right, but just did not deliver.

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This movie is pure shit. Not a single funny or entertaining thing in it. Even "bonus" after credits stuff with Bill Murray was unfunny. They totally destroyed my fun memory of the first movie.

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Solid follow up which, after a rocky start, eventually finds its footing and delivers exactly what you'd expect. Just more Zombieland.
Special shoutout to Zoey as Madison, whos inclusion really rounds out the group and elevates the comedy to a better standard during her scenes. Hope they've got one more in the tank so this can join the league of good trilogies.

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Really enjoyed the comedy interaction between the cast. Some very funny scenes. Well worth a watch.

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How can i play this ?

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Absolutely loved the first one and absolutely loved this one too!

Don’t turn off too quickly at the end credits, there’s an extra part.

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Shout by nauip
BlockedParent2019-12-18T08:15:32Z— updated 2019-12-29T01:23:13Z

If you loved the first as I did you'll love this one. It wasn't really anything new, but maybe that's why I liked it so much. I wanted more of the first movie.
Stick around for the after credits scene.
edited for typos.

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Shout by Deleted

great film must see.go watch it

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I wasn't too interested in going to see this, but some friends wanted to go see it. I really enjoyed the film, It might not be the best film ever, but it was fun, and I'm glad I ended up seeing it. I would recommend going to see it if you want a fun day out with friends.

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Good movie with plenty of gags and good old fashioned zombie slaying. As usual Woody Harrelson was fantastic. But how good was Zoey Deutch? Brilliant. Absolutely stole the show. I think they bought her back from the dead when they realised how good she was.

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You can't catch me off guard twice with the same moves, you can't surprise me a second time with the same serve, you can't be original if you're repeating yourself.

Zombieland: Double Tap is literally a zombie movie because it's the first film back from the dead looking exactly the same, if a little more tired and spoiled around the edges. That said, what's left after you scrape away the dead skin of the original remains solid entertainment.

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First don't leave till you see the extra scene. is it better than the first? no way, but than most aren't. They end up going to a place I would have went for right away lol. The zombie kill if the week gets an upgrade..... it's a fun movie with laughs of course, and some great zombie kills!

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Despite the reviews I liked this movie and was laughing all through. Great sequel, funny, great jokes. Loved the Elvis and Graceland element. I found it so funny seeing Woody Harrelson in Elvis’s Hawaii jumpsuit! Recommended watch if you loved the first movie, if you like zombies, if you like to laugh.... watch it!

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This movie felt they had no clue what to do to carry on from the previous film so they just repeated the format with the same exact everything.

The original characters are likeable and still entertaining to watch. The standout performance for me was a new character played by Zoey Deutch I enjoyed every scene she was in.

Other additions in the film I really didn't care about as they weren't really developed in a way that I would care about any of them.

If you were entertained by the first movie you'll probably still enjoy this and have a few laughs.

I felt we waited too long for a sequel and because of that it was a little underwhelming and lacked something I cant quite put my finger on.

I'll give it a 7/10 It had its moments :blush:

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I’m starting to think that Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, the writers of this film, are one trick ponies.
They really struggle with keeping subsequent films in their franchises fresh.
Between this and Deadpool 2, I see a lot of what I call ‘Hangover 2’ writing, meaning you change as little as you can from the first movie without making it a straight up remake.
I was annoyed by the amount of jokes from the first film that were repeated in Deadpool 2, and once again, Zombieland: Double Tap is just way too similar to the first film.
It feels lazy, but it’s still entertaining.


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"Do you know why she's still alive?... Because zombies eat brains and she ain't got any" -about Madison (Zoey Deutch)

A very good sequel. I's been pleasantly surprised, as sequels are usually worse. Not this one, I've just rewatched the original before going to cinema and had a good time, they even got more known names on it and even Bill Murray is here but you need to wait till credits and even more for his second appearance.

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A decent sequel that just feels like more of the same as the first. The main cast is fun and Zoey Deutch is a great addition.

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