Shouts about...

Zoolander 2 2016

Holy shit they fucking shot Justin Bieber like fifty times.

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First of all, I always feel like this movie came out quite recently but it's been 8 years?!

I wasn't a big fan of the first one and with the low rating of this one, I feared the worst but I actually really enjoyed it. Lots of funny cameos, Bieber and Cumberbatch being the best ones.

I also really liked the over-the-top story and action and I could appreciate the silly humour.

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Ruining the memory of the original cult hit, Zoolander 2 completely sh*ts itself. After a series of celebrity murders Interpol recruits former fashion models Derek Zoolander and Hansel to help them in exchange for helping Derek find his estranged son. The ridiculously dumb comedy and fashion satire of the first film is multiplied times ten here and it doesn’t work at all. Without any straight characters to ground it, the whole thing becomes total looney tunes. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson easily slip back into their roles, but the rest of the cast is piss-poor (including Will Ferrell who returns as Mugatu). Zoolander 2 isn’t without laughs, but it’s just too insultingly stupid (and not in a fun way).

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Let's start with the beginning, that motherfucker Justin Beiber as I saw his face on my screen I knew this it's gonna be a shitshow which.....spoiler alert..... is, how Hansel not knowing what a computer is to using a cell phone, and how he's an aggressive man filled with anger, I thought he was the calming one who comforts everyone, and I kept my hopes up but at 15 minute mark I haven't had a single laugh it's ok but after 30 minutes nothing not a single laugh, The Zoolander is dorky silly stupid but with this one they got one thing which is "stupid", and they make themselves behind the camera.

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Not all that far adrift from the original, for me.

I would class 'Zoolander 2' as a step below its predecessor, but there's not much between them in my opinion - admittedly, I only found the first film to be marginally passable. It starts off well, I was liking the opening few scenes. That interest of mine definitely waned as the run time went by, though there's still enough there to avoid proper boredom.

Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell and Penélope Cruz make the film watchable enough. Cyrus Arnold does alright as the kid, while the numerous cameos are minorly amusing to see. I can't say it's a film I enjoyed or that I'd rewatch, but I didn't find it be all that bad either.

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It's a bad movie but a lot of the jokes were fucking funny. The "fattening" of Derek Zoolander's son alone fucking killed me but the majority was just appealing to nostalgia. Also Justin Theroux not being a model is weird since he's in better shape than everyone

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Enjoyable to me, mostly in a so bad its good kind of way. "All" character was kind of offensive I took a whole point off for that.

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I found more humor and enjoyment just by looking at the battery of my phone.

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Don't watch this shite as a film, flip through the cameos like a yearbook from an aughts high-school.

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Shout by Deleted

Benedict Cumberbatch is the best part of the movie in my opinion.

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I did not expect much, but it's bad

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Ooh, gurl, what is you doing...
I liked the first Zoolander movie, but this is just a mess. To be honest, I only really liked the cameos.

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Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever watched.
None of the jokes connected with me, and it was way too over the top.
Their wasn't even any subtle digs at how sequels years later are bad, it was just straight up bad.

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Pensé que sería mejor que la uno, pero falto más trama, algunas cosas no pegaban ni juntaban, creo que pudo ser mejor

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Shout by Alex

I mean, I expected this to be bad going into it but this... this was something else.

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This seasons look is Bored Face, this is a painfully unfunny sequel to the overrated original.

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All the silliness you'd expect from Stiller and Wilson. It was as expected and worth the [silly] watch.

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Shout by Deleted

It looked promising until somewhat in the middle, where it became too strange and boring for me. I really can't derive any pleasure out of it, was there supposed to be some deeper meaning? If yes, I totally missed it

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Watched it, but wish i didn't. Very bad.

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At least its not a Ben Stillers movie.

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Benedict Cumberbatch as a trans model and Todd the black gay button presser is the best part! The others are just meh. Same old slapstick, corny comedy. if you even want to call it "comedy". Please don't make another sequel for the sake of humanity.

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Shout by Deleted

All stole the movie. Benedict Cumberbatch as a no eyebrow trans? model is just amazing.

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one massive mess of a bad movie. Only the guest-stars and cameos were the best part of the film. Penelope Cruz is still my top unlikable actress

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Meh i dunno why this gets so much hate, I kinda liked it!

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Shout by Deleted

15 minutes of this was all i could stand.
Jesus Christ, this is so bad i wont even rate it.

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Poor first half of the movie, pretty damn funny second half. Mugatu is on hot form in the final act

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Shout by Deleted

I expected better! convoluted plot. in some scenes there are elements out of place.

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Shout by Deleted

I expected better! convoluted plot. in some scenes there are elements out of place. uber what makes the Polo?

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Shout by Deleted

I expected better! convoluted plot. in some scenes there are elements out of place. uber what makes the Polo? or orgy with the little girl and her family?

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Shout by Deleted

I expected better! convoluted plot. in some scenes there are elements out of place. uber what makes the Polo? or orgy with the little girl and her family?

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Shout by Deleted

Mi aspettavo di meglio :( trama contorta

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I can not overcome the trailer. It will cost me much to see Benedict in this role. It will be too weird. Sometimes players are loose chignon in those movies for just enjoy it. Spoiler Alert: Bieber dies xD

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