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Sèries de producció no americana ni europea que vull veure.


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Updated at 2024-06-10 17:26:55


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Updated at 2024-06-10 05:47:52


work in progress

A list of all films (including the title show) that are parodied. Rank order is the movie parodied comes right before the episode where the parody is first referenced.


Collection of movies that are part of the Skywalker Saga in the Star Wars universe. Also includes Solo: A Star Wars Story and Rogue One.


Ordem Cronológica para assistir, tudo está disponível no Disney+.


An Alternate Order to watching the Star Wars movies.

This order heavily focuses on the story of of Luke Skywalker.

This unorthodox approach suggests a slightly different take on the canonical timeline. We should keep to release order until the end of "The Empire Strikes Back" to maintain the big twist and enjoy Luke’s evolution from callow farmhand to fledgeling Jedi knight. Then, with Han Solo frozen in carbonite and the shocking revelation of Luke’s parentage still ricocheting through our minds, we take a step back and embark on a three-film flashback. It gives the story context, we witness Vader’s fall firsthand and see the obvious story parallels between father and son. Finally, after watching Anakin Skywalker transition to the Dark Lord of the Sith, we jump back to the present with Jedi, watch the story’s finale and fully appreciate the importance of Vader’s redemption — not to mention realising that the weirdo in the woods is actually a younger Anakin.

Episode I is not imperative to watch, but I included it nonetheless with "Episodes I-III" being considered a type of flashback after the major twist at the end of Episode V to see how that situation came to fruition then picking up and ending that conflict with Episode VI.

Though "Rogue One" and "Solo" take place before Episode IV, watching them before will ruin the very start of the Luke Skywalker story, so it is better to watch them after finishing the Luke Skywalker story to give context to Episode IV. That is all "Rogue One" and "Solo" do. Because of the 30-year gap between Episode VI and Episode VII, "Rogue One" and "Solo" can be watched after Episode VI before Episode VII to give good context for how and why the Star Wars universe was started with Episode IV explaining that initial conflict. However, watching them here would ruin the connections of Luke Skywalker's story and the somewhat new story started with Episode VII and continuing to Episode IX.


Timeline of all movies and series that are considered Canon.

This includes all Saga Episodes (Ep. I-IX), The Clone Wars, Series (The Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance, The Mandalorian), Web-Series (Forces of Destiny, Galaxy of Adventures) and 'a Star Wars story' movies (Rogue One, Solo)


Fear is the path to the dark side, Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to suffering...
Enjoy the saga through its dull and epic moments while respecting and honoring characters, Lore, and the original trilogy duh


Acompanhe a jornada da saga da família Skywalker. Dividida em 3 eras, República, Rebelião e Resistência.


the first iteration of these films was Backstroke of the West, one of the most infamous Translation Train Wrecks of all time. It got notoriety after being featured on a blog belonging to Jeremy Winterson, and was later turned into a Gag Dub by the YouTube channel TheThirdGathers. While many fans wanted to see the other Star Wars films done the same way, it seemed like this would be it. However, in late 2016, Imgur / Reddit user fegelein08 / KnifeOfPi2 uploaded his own Recursive Translations of (at the time) every official live-action movie in the series. Along with the original Backstroke of the West, these translations give us a glimpse into an alternate Star Wars universe: where everyone swears like sailors, drops innuendos left and right, and speaks in grammatically incorrect English, all while acting like everything is perfectly normal.


My rankings for all the movies & shows I have seen in the Star Wars universe.


All live-action Star Trek canon in chronological order, as found on Includes the "Kelvin Timeline" films and will be updated to include all new Star Trek episodes as they come out.

Last updated: 2021-01-14


Based off of The Star Trek Chronology Project's order at

Added Star Trek: The Animated Series, and plan on incorporating worthy Fan Fiction in future.


All of the Legend Shows and Movies from the Star Wars Galaxy that are no longer part of the canon storyline.


All live-action Star Trek canon in chronological order, as found on Includes the "Kelvin Timeline" films and will be updated to include Star Trek: Discovery episodes as they come out.


Star Trek: The Next Generation In 40 Hours. Credit:


The fan-inspired "Machete Order" is the suggested way for newcomers to watch Star Wars. It removes the spoilers from watching the prequels first, with episodes II & III sandwiched between episodes V and VI, working as flashbacks after the big reveals of the original trilogy.

For more info, check out the original blog post at


Originally from here:

In here is a modified order of the chronological order that deals, with the pacing later on, and the change in a certain voice actor.


Space. The Final Frontier. The U.S.S. Enterprise embarks on a five year mission to explore the galaxy. Their mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.


A century after Captain Kirk's five year mission, the next generation of Starfleet officers begins their journey aboard the new flagship of the Federation. Commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard the Galaxy class starship Enterprise NCC-1701-D will seek out new life and new civilizations - to boldly go where no one has gone before.


All live-action Star Trek canon in chronological order, as found on Includes the "Kelvin Timeline" films and will be updated to include Star Trek: Discovery episodes as they come out.


A series of two short films commissioned by Chipotle Mexican Grill, featuring music by Willie Nelson and Kacey Musgraves.
