Where is Shari to Me Too Miles' ass again when you need her?

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Like NightWolf said, there's no fucking way Jack would let the recording out of his sight, after all he's been through to get it. Nor would Karen, after risking her career. Nor Bill. Why the hell was Chloe alone?! It makes no goddamn sense. But, hey, there's 3 episodes left, I get it.

When are we going to learn who these headset goobers are? We've been given zero details or context regarding them. It's getting old.

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I know that it is all purposely done for the story, but it seems awfully stupid that Jack would go through everything that he did in order to secure the recording, only to leave it without plenty of security before it gets duplicated or played for the Attorney General. Now it is probably erased, or partially.

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