It seems that they do not warn among the bad guys, Jack Bauer does not threaten in vain with torture if you do not speak

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Shout by Ward

I feel like the girl killing the bad guy robs us of the moral complexity of the situation, though it was set up interestingly enough. Apart from that, there isn't much moral complexity this season so far apart from the usual torture, which i agree with because it's actually getting results which is realistic. Those who don't believe in torture will say it doesn't get results, and that's only half right, it does and it doesn't, and the small to large chance of getting results to save millions of lives is better than no chance at all, which is the real life version and millions of people would be killed. That's just how the world works, and i would be extremely suspicious of someone's morals to let millions of people die to let a single terrorist remain unharmed.

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Jesus, all the scenes with Rossler and the girl were highly uncomfortable to watch. The ending of her shooting the POS was very satisfying.

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John McCain has a cameo in this episode. He delivers a folder to Audrey when the show comes back from commercial break sometime around the 22-25 minute mark.

Yeah, calling Kim to tell her to come to CTU without saying why will go over real well. "Hey Kim, I know you haven't worked here for almost 3 years, and also your dad has been dead for a year and a half, but we need you to come in today." I'd be like uh no fuck that.

Oh boy, I bet Lynn's sister is going to be the dumb and pointless storyline of this season. I can feel it.

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