Shout by Ward

How could you kill off Curtis like that? It's out of character for him to be disloyal and to risk his life and career to kill Assad.

And they actually let a nuke be detonated in the show? Even when they were so close to stopping it? Jeez. Possibly thousands dead and tens of thousands over time. Yeah Wayne isn't serving another term after this. I'm also not that interested in the Palmer's sister storyline.

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Well, that's just all sorts of ridiculous. A nuke going off? Come on now.

What a shitty way to write Curtis off. Making him start acting completely unreasonable out of nowhere. I wonder if the actor wanted to be done, or something.

I hope we're done with that Scott kid now. Someone needs to give him a haircut, my god. Every person in that kid's life who did not tell him he needs a haircut has failed him. Looked awful.

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A good end to the first act of this season and it would have been better if a god damn nuclear bomb didn't blow up in Los Angeles.

An attempt to raises the stakes as high as possible but you can raise the stakes without stretching the audience's suspension of disbelief the way this did.

It's 24's "jump the shark" moment

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Poor Jack :-( He's been through so much even before killing Curtis. I hope he brings Fayed to justice.

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