What a great episode! The series keeps finding impressive and clever ways to keep the plot going, even when it seems like the story might be drawing to an end at any moment.

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WHAT?!! What the hell Tony?

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Shout by Ward

It's been a great season, but it's too much of a late season plot twist that Tony was actually a bad guy all along. It's too much of a "Tony's a bad guy then a good guy then a bad guy" no, not with how much he's done for the good guys and the near deaths, and now they've ruined Tony's character. At least it's dramatic and makes things more personal.

Other than that, this might be my favorite season. I prefer some of the classic CTU characters, but the storyline this season has been so good, and the drama has been great, and Jack and Renee have been fantastic. I've loved the morality stuff and the deeper discussions about whether a certain action is right or wrong, and i like the reflection about the past and Jack's actions and how he feels about it all, i love it. I loved his reunion with Kim this episode, it was great.

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U turn on Tony’s return

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Shout by JasperKazai

Oh, come on now. This is just ridiculous now. This makes Tony a triple agent. (Or quadruple agent, if you count his initial good guy to bad guy turn that happened off-screen before this season). Insane. And why would he blow up the missiles, then??

It was funny how Jack was all like "take me to my daughter," then there was a commercial break, and they were still walking at the end of it. That means they were walking down a hallway for 5 minutes. That's one damn long hallway!

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I think that Kim might just go ahead with the procedure anyway, and it will save Jack.

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