Shouts about...

30 Coins

Season 2

first season started off fine with many spooky happenings/monster-of-the-week type episodes with a bit of an overarching plot before it went totally haywire at the end

if the first season finale jumped the shark hoo boy, season 2 jumps lakes, LAKES, of numerous demonic sharks multiple times per episode. it just got so damn stupid and nonsensical and just lurched from one dumb thing to another dumb thing with little connective tissue. demonic/religious horror can be fun (it's the whole selling point/basis of the show when it started out!) but it just got so zany (and not in a fun way) and stupid. Paul Giammatti showing up was a surprise but really adds little, hope he had fun though. Only Macarena Gomez really gets out of s2 with any dignity in tact 'cause she knows how to flip a switch and play that semi-campy antagonistic villainess role

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