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30 for 30: Season 1

1x30 Pony Excess

7.5/10. Very interesting documentary. It loses a little steam once you get past the "rise" and into the "fall" territory, with a few more jumps in the timeline and less well-defined figures to latch onto, but it's still an interesting time capsule of both SMU and Dallas at a particular time in the Metroplex's history. The generally unflinching look at shady things going on, and the film's willingness to point the finger at both malfeasance inside the school and also unfairness or bad luck outside of it, with selective enforcement and a local media battle desperate for a good story, makes "Pony Excess" a wide-ranging but illuminating look at the first and thus far only school to receive the "death penalty" in college football.

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Shout by Jackie Chan
BlockedParent2023-01-13T19:34:02Z— updated 2024-05-03T18:53:45Z

It's absolutely crazy to me hearing all these men saying things like "the death penalty being used on here was the worst thing that's ever happened and I don't think they'll ever use the death penalty again" and they're referring to college football, while, being from Texas, I think it's pretty safe to assume where they stand on the literal death penalty. Scandals like this are part of the reason I love watching these documentaries, and on that level I really enjoyed the episode. But watching those guys revel in their cheating and equate their punishment to the punishment we reserve for the worst criminals and is considered by many to be inhumane, was, to put it mildly, irritating.

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