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30 for 30: Season 2

2x02 9.79*

Another ESPN 30 for 30 documentary. This time we're delving into the 1988 Summer Olympics and the much-publicized sprinter's duel between Ben Johnson and Carl Lewis in the 100m final. The film is an oral history of sorts, with interviews from all eight participants in the race, but often dissolves into finger-pointing and contradiction. In some respects that's revealing in and of itself - clearly, nobody wants to take any blame for the sad state of affairs that led to such a high-profile blowup, when they're each partially responsible - but in others it's maddeningly frustrating. With their athletic days now long behind them, the only thing many of these former runners have to hold onto is their legacy, and they stomp all over that by slamming Johnson for his positive test, then sheepishly fessing up to their own PED suspensions near the end of the picture.

As a historical panorama, this is entertaining - particularly in the build to the race itself - but when the central debate flares up and the runners each begin painting themselves as the victim, nobody's there to hold their feet to the fire.

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