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9-1-1: Lone Star: Season 4

4x13 Open

I just had the weirdest deja-vu with this episode. Maybe through Tik-Tok...
As much as I like seeing Grace kicking ass at Dispatch, it's always pleasant to see her character with more depth. And what a voice!
For a second I thought Owen was the one being charged for murder. Brett might have been poisoned before the freezing incident, but oh boy, the way his chest cracked like ice, surely put the final nail on the coffin (no pun intended)! I

guess the show has been like that for awhile, but lately the way every single plot point gets somehow "resolved" by the end of each episode, kinda throws me off. Even if it means starting a new one, with the widow being charged for homocide.

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The Grace plot... urgh... I'd really appreciate if there were some kind of dark inklings within her. Guilttripping about giving her father the cold shoulder... okay... but the singing? Sorry, that was too much.

And Owen? Another criminal investigation where he just stumbled into? Now, his girlfriend's supposed to have killed her husband?

And honestly, if a person's frozen stiff, there's no reason to try CPR anymore. The body can withstand quite something, but not being frozen stiff even in the core of the body.

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I knew it was only time before we saw the other McClain sisters. Networks definitely like to milk all talent their actors have but I don’t blame them

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Based on the screenshot used for this episode, I knew that I was most likely going to have an issue. I was right, that sucked watching this one. After just officially loosing my dad on September 03, 2023. Also seeing him in the hospital on the ventilator and worse. There's definitely more to that than I'm going to say here. My point is, it was a painful and hard episode for me to watch but I just pushed through the remainder to get it over.

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This was one of the best episodes of the show this season. This season has been pretty hot and cold, but when it's hot, it's sizzling.

Some more serialization gets injected into the season with the continuation of Cap's romantic subplot, with a potential twist that, while shocking, for once isn't cheesy or unrealistic at all. The TV spot for the next episode unfortunately spoils the entirety of the next episode, so I'd reocmm avoiding it. Having seen it, though, I can't wait for what's to come.

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One of the first times this show has left me gaping at the TV, oh my god. But reasonable result, why would you do cpr on a frozen person, first thaw him.

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Boy, it turns into a murder

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