Shouts about...

A to Z 2014

Overall decent time filler - big fan of Cristin. Sitting through the 'intro' every episode was torture. Only really likable characters were Zelda, Andrew and Stu.

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Shout by Dearflynn
BlockedParent2017-08-19T01:48:55Z— updated 2019-10-20T17:02:35Z

Feels a bit like a cutesy version of Love (and I think Paul Rust said their goal was to show a relationship from "A to Z"). Anyway, I thought it was entertaining and the characters were endearing, sad to see the show has been cancelled...

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Just saw the first episode and thought it was great, sad to see its already been cancelled.

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why did they cancel this show? it was pretty good entertaining. now we won't see the whole plot from A to Z, only A to M :(

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I have a great idea for a show. What if How I Met Your Mother was 500 Days of Summer? Boom. Nailed it.

The show is actually pretty good. Sorry to see it go.

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ok show, but understandable it got canceled. I thought it would be a 26 eps 1 season thing with the title though.

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I like this show and learned they canceled it. It's very unfortunate. There will be 13 episodes and they have filmed 11. I don't know how they are going to wrap it up in 2 episodes.

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Shout by Deleted

The trailer looked kind of corny, but I just saw the episode and I can tell you right now - it's some good stuff. I can't wait to see how the rest of the series goes. It's very promising so far.

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aw looks like it's going to b a good show can't wait

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome stuff!

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome stuff!

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how i met your zelda

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Shout by Deleted

how i met your zelda

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