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Above the Noise

Season 7 2023

  • 2023-01-18T20:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 5m
  • 50m (10 episodes)
  • United States
  • Special Interest
ABOVE THE NOISE is a show that cuts through the hype and takes a deeper look at the research and facts behind controversial and trending topics in the news. Hosted by Myles Bess and Shirin Ghaffary.

10 episodes

Are private jets really as bad for climate change as all the hype? Myles explores the data on private jet emissions and how much they contribute to climate change.

Do you feel a special connection with a celebrity or famous person? You might be in a parasocial relationship. Myles Bess explores the psychology of parasocial relationships and seeks to answer the question: Why do some people have them and are they harmful?

Highways are everywhere in America and are a big part of our everyday lives -- but is their presence shortening our lives? Myles Bess explores the health impacts of freeways and looks at removing them as a potential solution.

The U.S. military faced a historic recruitment crisis in 2022, failing to meet goals for enlisting new soldiers by a wide margin. Why are so many young people saying no to military service?

America tosses out tons of old electronics every year. Literally! Around 6.92 million tons in 2019 alone and a lot of that e-waste contains toxic chemicals, things like lead and mercury. If those are not handled properly, they can contaminate the environment and cause serious health issues... So what actually happens to all that hazardous e-waste? You might not like the answer...

Is social media encouraging conformity -- or is it a way for us to express our individuality?

Ever find yourself losing track of time while you’re on your phone? Well, that’s not by accident. Our favorite apps are intentionally designed to keep us on them as long as possible so tech companies can gather data from us about what we like and engage with. But what design tricks are these app companies using, and what is the impact on us??

Everyday the entire world is constantly consuming the same drug! That’s right – caffeine – with coffee being one of the most popular forms of delivery here in the U.S.

Ever find yourself in a negative thinking spiral? Of course you have! It’s human nature. Cognitive distortions aka thinking traps– are basically exaggerated or irrational negative thought patterns that can lead us to believe things that aren’t necessarily true. In this video, Myles Bess breaks down some common thinking traps and some tips on how to manage these this type of thinking. Co-produced with Common Sense Education in collaboration with Center for Digital Thriving at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
