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Season 1

Unlike many other commentators, I actually liked most of the characters, especially Ahsoka and Thrawn. They were designed and acted very well, portraying a wise Jedi and a tactical mastermind. The general design of the season in a subtle Japanese style, the visual effects and the introduction of Magick were all pretty entertaining too.

However, the story was hardly interesting. Having protagonists die only to be shown alive in the very next episode was extremely pointless and kind of stands for the problem of the whole season: evil always loses and good always wins. There's no grey zone, no plot twist, no excitement.
I sure hope the next season will offer a better story, for the cast - and the audience - deserves it.

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Despite the title, this show is not about Ahsoka at all.
Great duels and fight scenes, amazing settings. Loved the Purrgil :whale2: and Huyang :robot:
The story was boring, most of the episodes was useless to the plot. I started caring at episode 7. And then it was over and I really didn't care much for anyone.

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I had such high hopes
for this show I really did
but after all said and done
It was nothing but a waste
of my time.
Everything about this
show only served as a
Macguffin and that is
Just not acceptable.
Baylan and Shin
got the dirty done to them,
they were the Coolest and
by far the most interesting
Characters of the show.
I would definitely watch a
show with those two as the
star of it, I wanted them
to have so much more
Screen time but no they
gave that to the bloody
Sabine who's doomed
the hole Galaxy.
After the first three,four
episodes everything just
went to shit and fell apart,
and to be honest I was
More bord than entertained.

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Pretty solid season - definitely better if you binged it. The action choreography was mostly okay with some weird scenes sometimes but the scenes with Anakin and the bearded guy really shined. The ending felt a little rushed and it really answered fewer questions than it asked. Especially since we barely got to see anything from Ezra smh

Ashoka’s character imo needs to be put to rest. She’s should have stayed dead in Rebels because she had already done her part. Like at this point, she’s not nearly as interesting enough to continue a story about her. The base Rebels crew and the new “Sith” characters offer so much more to the world than she does

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This show had so much potential, but it ended up being more boring than exciting unfortunately. Story and character choices don't make sense to the point where I never cared about any character, and the interesting characters, like Baylan and Shin, were just wasted at the end. Also so much slowwww lightsaber and blaster action that made all the action sequences just boring. What happened here?

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Disney somehow managed to remake the StarWars franchise into an after school special…

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A solid entry into the tv universe but falls flat of the Rebels season 5 we all hoped it would be.

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No plot, wooden acting, practically no emotional impact (and I won't even get into those stupid Anakin cameos)... in short, boring as hell.

Get rid of Sabine (and of pretty much everyone other than Thrawn, Baylan and Shin), put it on double speed, add a plot that's not summarized in 1 sentence, and this show might get decent at some point. I don't carry much hope for that happening, though.

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I pushed through all 8 episodes. Sorry, this was quite poor. I don't know specifically what's wrong it just doesn't work. After the other shows recently Like Kenobi and Mandalorian I had a different expectation. This is, boring. I say 5, thats frankly on the generous side.

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Just another filler season of a show. Skip it until the next iteration comes out

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Ahsoka has some good things, but it failed to really convince me. They didn't have to establish all the characters (Clone Wars, Rebels and Mandalorian did that for them), but it still felt like just a setup for bigger things to come. Which is true in a way, because we are getting a movie to wrap up 'The Mando-verse'. Or are they doing a season 2 of this first, we'll see... For me, the difference is that Mandalorian had more of an own story. Which is not bad per se, but it is a bummer because I expected a bit more from this.

I enjoyed it though. Anakin's appearance gave me goosebumps and that whole episode with live action Clone Wars-flashbacks was truly amazing. I also really liked Ezra and (of course) Thrawn. Sabine, not so much... Still, I'm hoping for a big climax, that ties everything Star Wars neatly together again. Even if it's some ways down the road. Please, don't disappoint me, papa Filoni. :wink:

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Show and season 1 rated a 7

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Shout by Curb
BlockedParent2023-08-31T23:35:41Z— updated 2023-09-15T00:17:22Z

Boring. I have never been less invested in a main character. Ahsoka is a plank of wood.

Only redeeming quality is some visuals.

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