Shout by Claire

Watching this after my AHS hiatus. I'm annoyed, and I just want it to be fun. The "you are just seeing things" plot is so infuriating that I'm distracted from everything else. I hope it gets better.

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Love this theme :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: very excited

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A tribute to slasher movies from the eighties. I liked this first episode.

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The pacing felt really weird for this episode

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They were swimming in the pond and the lady said they got to go else they will be stranded in the thunderstorm....

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Sooooooooooo Margaret Booth is the killer then?
I like the opening. 4x3 adverts/shows on tube TVs Yes!

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Meh... I'm kind of bored with this '80s revival hype. It was like a lame parody.

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Well thats what i was expecting....a load of nonsense,horror my arse,bad comedy!

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The episode was terrible. If the second episode is as bad as the first one, looks like I'll be skipping out on this season of American Horror Story.

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If you like 80's horror just like I do, I think you'll really like this. the amount of homages to classic 80's slashers is crazy.

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Seems like it's going to be a veeeeery long slasher movie where they run out of ideas after 2 episodes and still have to somehow fill the remaining hours.

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If you’re a fan of 80s horror movies you’re probably gonna love this. But if you’re not really a fan of 80s horror movies, and you like AHS, I’m not sure if you will like this.

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Writer's room: "You know, the whole retro thing really works for 'Stranger Things'"..."What's 'Stranger Things' I've never heard of it, and besides we don't have any 13 year olds on staff." "Don't worry about the teen thing, in 80's horror movies, they always used 30 year olds to play teens"

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As a fan of 80's slashes, I was very entertained by this season premiere

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A solid start but nothing far. Hopefully it'll kick it up a gear next episode as the plot seems a little too pedestrian; standard horror flick fair. Also, it is weird to have so few familiar AHS faces, but Cody Fern and Billie Lourd returning is a big plus, and Angelica Ross is an excellent acquisition from Pose. Matthew Morrison was a pleasant surprise, as I found him kind of annoying on Glee. The jury's still out on Gus Kenworthy; excellent eye candy but his acting seems rather limited. Hopefully some of our faves will be making cameos later in the season.

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Not bad but not great. I like the 80s feel but hope it goes somewhere I don’t expect. I’ll stick with it but hope next few don’t fall as flat.

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No way this is going to be as good as last season, which was entertaining and politically relevant.

Summer camp in the 80's- really not my cup of tea. Why do people EVER want to revisit the 80's. Will this be like Dead of Summer? This may be too gauche for me to keep watching.

At least they gave us two out of three Chanel No 5's from Scream Queens.

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Hoping this is gonna be good,AHS has been going downhill for the last few seasons!

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