I'm getting the feeling that women who wrote science fiction episodes around the millennium had nothing but terrible exes. Anyway, the dialogue and intrigue in this was as good as the cyborg prosthetics. Bad. What I'm saying is that it was bad.

Still, the command hand-off scene to Tyr with Rommie and Dylan was great. And Lisa looked good in the flashback wig. Also, Trance is in this for all of like 30 seconds, which is kind of a tip off of how good the episode is gonna be.

I'm gonna make a pairing list.

Tyr & Rommie= A++
Tyr & Harper= A-S
Tyr & Rev /+Harper= A++
Tyr snarling/flexing/walking with a big fucking gun= Bwaaaarrrh!
Tyr & Dylan (scene) = A
Tyr & Dylan (episode) = C
Tyr & guest star= C-A+
Tyr, Dylan, & Rommie (scene) = A
Dylan, Bekka, Harper, Trance, Rev, Tyr, Rommie= A/A+
Harper & Trance= B+/A+
Harper, Trance, & Rommie= A
Trance alone: A+
Rommie alone: A/A+
Rommie & Trance /+Harper= A+
Bekka, Harper (episode) : A
Bekka and guest star= B+
Tyr, Dylan, & Rommie (episode) = B
Dylan and Rommie= C/F
Dylan and guest star= B-D
Dylan, Harper, Bekka= B/C

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