Shouts about...

Angel: Season 2

2x10 Reunion


Shout by Deleted

this episode was brilliant! this season is shaping up to be much better than it's predecessor

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This ending felt like a season finale. Darla and Drusilla were captivating as expected, but I was especially impressed with Sam Anderson's Holland Manners. His polished patrician's menace has helped make Wolfram & Hart, but seeing his mask break as he learned about his wife, and then the terror when he knew he was next was amazing acting. Dark Angel (not Angelus) is best Angel.

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After watching every season of Buffy and the 1st two seasons of Angel I have to say that Drusilla is the best character in the ENTIRE Buffy universe.

"I'm ringing all over"

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Talk about some grrl power going on here.

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"I missed the part where that's my problem."

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