In a time I didn't think good original content existed this episode blew me away.

How deep the characters are. The turns the stories take. I'm befuddled.

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:skull: I can’t believe how predictable the plot is. I’m a little bit disappointed. Still want to continue the show though.

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Why do people like this?

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these poor kids like... ugh these poor little kiddos and the mental TRAUMA they went through so young i die for them

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I’ll just be here sobbing

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Incredible writing for this episode kudos to the screen writers. For only just 3 episodes Arcane dethroned Castlevania as the best animated original series for netflix. What a great investment for netflix grabbing the LOL series for their platform. I hope riot will decide to do spinoff series or season 2 that is based on other champions like the Demacia, Noxus and Freljord.

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How long is powder going to last before turning mental I wonder… what an unlucky childhood.
And … just; everybody dying EXCEPT for the bad guys really is messy. Oh so messy.
Well goodbye Powder. Hello Jinx.

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Oh, wow, I guess this explains the Vi vs. Jinx from the intro... :o

I didn't see things going down like that. Much drama and quite heartbreaking. It's frustrating that Vi didn't fulfill Vander's last wish and she'll very likely regret it too (it was just a very bad moment). But of course Jinx is already very unstable and it isn't easy to keep her happy. At least the song at the end was kinda beautiful.

The hextech was definitely cool though! :)

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How does it rains in an underground city ???

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Wow wow wow. What an episode. That title and what it relates to are just so well crafted. After two episodes of setting the scene this was the last place I expected it to lead. I am SUPER invested.

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Shout by Lord Mantis
BlockedParent2022-01-04T18:37:11Z— updated 2024-07-12T11:42:51Z

Decent episode! Had some minor plot holes that confused us, but didn't really affect the plot.

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Shout by Yaxare

Thanks for reminding me again why I hate children. What a moron she is.

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Great episode but I don't really like how (by the looks of it) the conflict between sister will be based on a misunderstanding and what was done/said in the heat of the moment

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Well fuck, everything we knew before has just changed.

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I'm so shocked that how this show can be so emotional and great like this!
Like wtf how
I'm pretty sure that i will cry so soon

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Absolutely gut-wrenchingly powerful. Those are the words for this episode.

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Man this show is intense. Hairy Yoda is a bit annoying though.

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All upcoming Animated awards goes to Arcane immediately.

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Shout by LukieB


Amazing episode. Did not expect so many to die in that situation. I feel like some points were coincidental and stupid. Like how most of those purple tubes were not broken which allows for some stuff like Vander’s transformation. Other than that I’m just amazed. It surely can’t get better than this.

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Grayson: "Why?"
Vander: "Mm. It's the only way."

  • Omg, did Grayson die?
  • No! I liked her ;-;
  • First death was a sudden, bloody one
  • Benzo too?? Aw...

Marcus: "What the hell have you done? This wasn't the deal!"
Silco: "Deal's changed."

  • Damn, those coins drop and get covered in Grayson's blood ;-;
  • They just killed three characters I actually liked ;-;

Ekko: "Benzo. They..."

  • Vander's alive :O

Silco: "The base violence necessary for change."

  • That's the name of the episode :O
  • Oooh, so the scar is of Vander's betrayal :O
  • Man, Powder's freaking out

Vander: "How did you get in? There's guards everywhere."
Vi: "It was easy. We found an open window and..."
Vander: "Oh, god. You have to get out. Now."

Vander: "You don't have to do this."
Vi: "Yes, I do."
Vander: "Vi!"

  • Damn
  • So many people have died in this episode, omg
  • Vander ;-;

Powder: "She is not my sister anymore."

  • ;-;

Silco: "It's okay. We'll show them. We'll show them all."

I hate how this show is convincing me League of Legends is cool, actually.

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A very emotional and dramatic episode, it seems to me the best so far. It is a pity that lots of characters die before we have a chance to learn more about them. It is a pity that the sisters parted in such circumstances and that Powder was adopted by the bad guys ( I don't know the game but it guess this is why she turns evil in the end). The theme of hate between siblings seems to be running in the episode, with brothers turning against themselves, and it seems like Violet and Powder are taking the same road. Visually astounding :) This is not the type of show I usually watch but I was totally engrossed in it.

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I am absolutely astonished by this show so far. Only thing that bothers me a bit is that Powder is so quick to turn against her sister, seems a bit forced. But that's criticism at a high level, I can't wait to binge the rest tomorrow.
Also RIP Mylo and Claggor, I really hoped we could see them grow, too. Makes for good drama though, and hell, I'm definitely here for that.

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This show based on bloody league of legends has absolutely no right to be as good as it is, but hoooooly crap did the writers really pull their weight on this show.

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so so emotional. this episode was so sad from jinx to vander, i feel so sorry for jinx and how vi treated her but heat of the moment i guess but still :( can't wait for the rest of eps!!

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This TV Series is out of scale, i'm astonished, really...

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"Faces fading in the flames. It was all her fault." Swain's quote in game for Jinx, all makes sense now

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Man, all these rooftop scenes remind me of escaping City 17 in Half-Life 2. I'm liking this so far, very nice animation style similar to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and Love, Death & Robots. Heimerdingle's voice is how I'd imagine he'd sound like! Looking forward to more episodes next week ⚙:gem::boom:

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What an emotional end to the first three episodes. I like where this is going, and that good intent can lead to the opposite.

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