I really, really hope this was the end of the series. I won't be able to put myself through another season of this unfunny garbage.

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this was the perfect ending really

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Season 4 and 5 were a mistake. Nowhere near as funny as the original run.

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What a hot mess…

There's so much lousy editing throughout this season, and in this episode especially. You can very obviously tell when they did voiceovers in post-production. The plot makes no sense and is difficult to follow throughout both the Netflix seasons, the jokes don't land.

I had just completely given up on the series until recently when Netflix announced they were removing it in a couple weeks, so I figured might as well close it off.

Would have been much better if they had never made seasons 4 (twice) and 5.

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dragged on for way way too long but every now and then during these last 2 seasons there'd be some amazing pieces of comedy reminding you just how stellar this show was in its original run

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Garbage season since season 4.

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who knows if they'll make another season. i don't think anyone expects it to be as great as earlier seasons anymore and im fine with that. i just enjoy these characters so much that the thought of this being the last season hurts my heart

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