That was good! I enjoyed getting to see Thea. I don't like what they've done with that storyline, destroying the League, destroying the pits, but I like Thea.

The best part was the very end. With any luck that's the end of that whole future timeline. It sucked. Now they've moved all the relevant characters into the now timeline, they can do what needs to be done to get rid of that whole dystopian future.

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Loved the end of the episode!!! It is always good to see Willa as Thea back on the show, still gorgeous as fuck!

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Felicity gone is a plus side. It’s a shame that the flashforwards from last season. Are back though.

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Shout by Martim

First and foremost, one can never get enough Thea, so that was already a plus for the episode! She looks better than ever. I can’t belive she has been gone for this long.

I’m enjoying all these references tied to some major past storylines from the show. After Hong Kong and Nanda Parbat, I wonder if they will keep going down the memory lane.

These last few seconds were so cool! Although, I don’t understand why they had to kill Zoey, there’s gotta be a reason why she’s not part of the spin-off...

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Everything about this episode was lame, except the last 20 seconds. Damn you, DC!

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i loved katie's work as a director on this episode!! that was awesome.

it was so good to see thea. she never disappoints. the scene with her and ollie on the mountain was so wholesome and great. i hope she'll make an appearance in crisis too.

the end!!! i really hope this is the end of the flash forwards and i hope that the kids will be more fun to watch.

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  • It was great to have Thea back - she's always been an important person to Oliver, and their sibling bond is something to admire after all these years.
  • Talia was a great touch to connect the main storyline with, but despite her history with ( having trained ) Oliver, Nyssa will always be my favourite - so the little tidbits of her venturing was a nice touch, considering we haven't seen her since the last mention of the Thanatos Guild, almost a whole 2 seasons ago and I miss her.
  • On that note, Talia with some sort of photographic memory was slightly unbelievable and felt like just a random convenience for the plot... But her flex at Oliver was a little amusing.
  • Thank GOSH they're finally bringing everything into one timeline. While I've still yet to like the kiddies running around as Team Arrow 2.0, it'll be interesting to see how they take on their new circumstances.
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