Great episode
set in the void,
Epic Head Decapitation.
I knew there was
going to be problems
not everyone's body
was left in tact or unoccupied.
Right on to the penultimate episode.

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After second time i watched this this is not the best episode with the car it was a little to much :D 7/10

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I guess this was kind of a "Ash vs Stranger Things"...
Well done.
Those arms coming out of the ground where creepy as fuck!

I guess Kelly couldn't come with them, because her body already has a soul...
As much as I would like it to have her back, I also don't.
Would make death a little meaningless... First Pablo (twice) and now maybe Kelly.
Dead should be dead.
But the Rift was cool nevertheless. :D

"That's Brujo Special, Baby!" XD
Best line and moment!

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Kick out the jams motherfuckers!

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"It's the only way to do it." That they kill you once is wrong, that they kill you 2 is a bitch

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