Gabi got punched so 10/10

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Shout by Ella Jade
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-03-07T21:28:48Z— updated 2021-03-28T17:54:21Z

Props to Sasha’s dad for handling the situation well! I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen next episode, now with the Jaegerists and Eren wanting to talk with Armin, Mikasa and Gabi present. Speak of the devil.

Floch the Chad

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Perfect set up for the next episode.

"That's all you ever talk about, huh? Kill, kill, kill... You remind me of a certain someone..."
Hell yeah! Can't wait for "the talk" scene.

I was surprised where they chose to cut Levi's storyline. But oh well, I can wait a week)

For any manga readers out here:
No spoilers, just... Doesn't it often feels like anime mocking us? Like when episode with Ymir safely running away came out in the manga we got chapter with the Letter. And now this? Damn.

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I love how Eren is now the bad guy!

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None of these military leaders are up to par. All they do is react. Erwin was always 10 steps ahead. But great episode.

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Idk why I took a break from this show. Any show that can make me scream “ohhhhhhhh shittttttttt” out loud at the end is amazing regardless of animation change

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If it doesn't feel sad after seen this episode, you ain't have heart

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For now, the entire storyline with the kids is like “what if Jojo Rabbit was actually good and daring?”

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Half of the episode. Gabi could have died several times. Too bad she didn't. They will preserve the character for next episode artificially. I hope that she dies at the end.

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Shout by Tagouga

This was such a heartbreaking episode...

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