Personal Lists featuring...

Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy 1959


A curated collection of nothing but cartoons! Family friendly with a wide selection of content.


No Channel Listed Documentaries


These are my hand picked collection of cartoons I knew and loved growing up. My apologies, I didn't plan to add so many cartoons to my list. I guess I remembered more than I realized. I'm pretty sure that many of them are out of print now. Many are probably so obscure, I wouldn't be surprised if they're not even available on specialty collector sites. However, let's see how many of these cartoons you remember as a child? So much great history to remember. #Childhood #Cartoons


Talking cartoon animals and creatures


List of the Best Animated TV Shows I watched throughout my childhood (until the age of 10 years).

Nesta lista estão presentes os desenhos animados que eu costumava assistir na minha infância (até os 10 anos de idade). A maioria deles foi exibido pela Rede Globo durante os programas infantis Clube Hanna-Barbera, Globo Cor Especial (1973-1983) e Balão Mágico (1983-1986).


List of Cartoons that I could always just sit down and watch. I am probably missing a lot I can not remember.


Few things were sweeter for youngsters in the late-20th-Century than waking up bright and early on weekend mornings, and consuming a big bountiful bowl of breakfast cereal while lounging in front of the television still in your jammies.
These are some of my favorites from childhood.


Shows I used to watch growing up and haven't tracked here.


List created and maintained by


A list for all those cartoon TV Shows I watched. You can see my other list with full TV shows, Movies or OVAs at

Recommendations are welcome, but please take a look before to see what I may like.
