Shouts about...

Banana Fish 2018

I have never hated and loved the same anime so much. It's not that it's a bad anime and that is why I hate it. It's just that this anime is filled with so much unfairness towards Ash that it just makes your heart cry. Watching Ash and Eiji has felt as if someone ripped me in half and wrote a complicated heart-wrenching story about those halves. Don't miss this anime. It's worth it.

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i curse all my haters to watching banana fish. May you don't have the option to pause.

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Banana fish is an incredible anime, it has its weaknesses but it is perfect.

it's not about love or a drug.. it's about a great and true friendship.

Watch it and you won't regret it.

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This shit ripped my insides out bro

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Shout by Emi

Compelling story, cute, entertaining and insanely over-the-top as you'd expect, but it had no right in being THAT heartbreaking wtf.

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Shout by Ella Jade
BlockedParent2020-09-15T01:47:05Z— updated 2020-11-04T03:42:45Z

9/10! This show was entertaining all the way through, with lighthearted, cute moments, intense moments and heartbreaking moments. Awesome storytelling + character development.

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A good anime but the yaoi feature is barely acceptable

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BANANA FISH has a special place in my heart. MAPPA is doing an amazing and overwhelmingly good job with adapting the manga, I only wish we had more episodes to fit all that perfection in the anime, but honestly they're doing so well that I'm trusting them! This is one of those anime where you come out with so many favorite characters that you just want /safe/ and /happy/ and /protected at all costs/ but end up sobbing at 1am and writing a review like I'm doing right now, oh and their OST is gold.

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