Shouts about...


Season 2


Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-11-08T13:31:52Z— updated 2022-11-09T20:56:07Z

Season 2 continues to feature classical Latin and some amazing stages illustrating a Germanic village and a Roman camp. Awesome!

The story is mediocre though. After last season told the true story the Varus Battle fairly accurate (admittedly, little is known), this season took more poetic liberties since Arminius life after the battle is fairly unknown. Did they come up with a good story? No! Plus, I'm disappointed we didn't learn more about Germanic culture or the Roman military (which is obviously not a superpower but a bunch of idiots). Instead, we have a strange melange of artificial fog, history, linguistics, Spartacus, Vikings, splatter movie, mystery, family feuds, romance and a drama.

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1 barbarian alone kills 10 roman soldiers EZ (could have killed more but the rest of the romans retreats in fear). Roman's are as incompetents as a videogame NPC, or worse. Villains are cartoony, writing is bad. The finale cliffhanger will be solved in 15 mins next season per the awesome barbarian skills and dumb dumb romans (just as this season).

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This season could be 2 or 3 episodes long and still could tell its story, I mean they make 1 season in 2 years and most of it feels empty. Plus roman soldiers are known for their tactics and fighting skills and yet its looking like they are fighting for first time in their life compered to barbarians. I was expecting better and longer battle since this season is kind of a fiction but budged wasn't enough for that I guess.:innocent:

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According to the Netflix app Season 2 Will be released October 21-2022
Can be changed.

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