I've more or less loved every time we see Aquaman so far, but I just couldn't get into his story here. I like the concept of him suffering a setback and being discouraged by it, but I didn't buy the execution in this episode for whatever reason. Maybe it was the Adam Strange setting, which I'm only vaguely familiar with and thus made the whole thing a little disorienting. The stuff on Strange's adopted planet felt a little too hokey for some reason. (Which is unfair, it's not like this is the first time Batman's traveled to an alien realm.) The big conflict with the Gordians also seemed a little too cookie cutter. What can I say? Just fell flat for me.

That said, I did like the opening short with Equinox, and it's always nice to see The Question (or as I'll always think of him, alternate universe Rorschach.

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Would an Adam Strange story have been better without Aquaman?

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