Shouts about...

Baymax!: Season 1

1x03 Sofia

This earns a rare 8 for a 10 minute short for tackling what can often be a taboo subject. I'm neither female, gay or trans but I applaud some of the decisions made in this episode.

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I love the inclusion of a trans character during the shopping trip!

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the misconception of menstruation in media, especially to kids, a trans character buying pads/tampons, the sole subject of pads/tampons to the childs fear of growing up and ending her childhood was beautifully covered in less than 10 minutes are amazing work.

like, half of these subjects if it were to put in media needs its own episode and will mostly be flagged as a sensitive content (which makes no sense) but they managed to covered all of this "supposedly taboo/sensitive" subjects make it entertaining and educational at the same time.

excellent episode, the only flaw were how did baymax managed to buy the pads cause women's hygienic products are expensive and he bought like tons.

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