Sad that a lot of Scooby fans didn’t give it a chance due to the animation. Or because it’s a bit goofy.
It’s still Scooby Doo. Not like Scooby and Shaggy Get a Clue or A Pup Named Scooby Doo didn’t change things up.
In Mystery Incorperated, Fred was a bit out there. This time Daffney is. I love it, she’s pretty funny and unpredictable now.
This is a pretty fun show.

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Scooby Doo if it was made by Seth McFarlane. Well animation wise; it's of course not as dirty. If you get passed the animation the show is actually funny.
Mystery Inc. was already a funny new take on Scooby-Doo though but Cartoon Network shoved it on at like 2:00 p.m. and never advertised it. This show is better than I expected but Mystery Inc. is superior.

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Just caught this on TV. What an insult to Scooby Doo. The animation looks awful. Fred is now a comedy character and seems to be the main guy. Velma was some valley girl. Shaggy and Soon aren't the close team.

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Super reminds of me classic Scooby. It's like if What's New Scooby-Doo and Scooby-Doo: Mystery Inc never existed as series. No romance, no drama, just comedy and hijinks.

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I actually loved it. Of course it's completely different than any other take in this franchise but it's really funny.

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